Did you just have a baby and are now considering how you are going to get back into the routine of regular exercise? Maybe you are looking to tone up or lose some weight, or maybe you are just looking to build up your strength again. You might have needed time to recover and to get into a good routine with your baby, but now you are ready to take the next step. First of all, before you start anything get the all-clear from your doctor and they can let you know if your body is healed enough. Then you might consider options that include Pilates post natal Tulse Hill. In general, women should take at least until their 6-week check-up post-birth if it was vaginal, or 10-week check-up if they had a cesarean.

Pelvic floor exercises

Something you can do safely is get your pelvic floor muscles back into shape. These are the muscles you use to stop the urine from flowing when you are on the toilet. So imagine you are doing that, and gently squeeze those muscles 10 to 15 times a session. These muscles have been through a lot giving birth so you need to start small and then build them up. It is a great way to help fix those mishaps that might be happening where when you cough or sneeze you pee a little! This has the bonus of making sex better for both partners too!

Start gently and then move things up

When you are pregnant it can sometimes happen that the stomach muscles separate. It does not fix itself so you need to carry out some strengthening exercises. But make sure you start on a very gentle schedule. Things like pelvic tilts, walking and tummy scoops are a good start. From there you can lead on to joining something like a postnatal group for exercise. Post natal Tulse Hill Pilates is a good option as is something like swimming. As well as getting stronger and healthier these are good opportunities to get back out among other adults, give other new parents some moral support and make important connections.

Stick with a trained instructor where possible

It might be tempting to jump into an exercise routine you design yourself, but preferably you should join a group that has a trained instructor leading it. They know what you should and should not be doing and will adapt their post natal Tulse Hill pilates to be safe but still effective for you to do until you are strong enough to push it up to the next level.


Post natal Brixton Pilates is a great way to build strength, health and fitness. Just make sure you listen to health professionals’ advice and that you avoid trying anything too hard too soon. Slowly build up your physical activity and consider which exercise is best for you. You should choose something you like doing and look forward to heading out to!

Author's Bio: 

This Article Penned by Lora Davis.