Take a look around you. What do you see? Do you see a life filled with happiness, joy, abundance? Now take a look within. What do you see? Does it match the outside? I bet it does. Life is full of ups and downs, happy times and sad but what goes on in our head and heart is what is going on around you. The way you think about yourself and the world is what you will have in it. You and only you can bring changes and happiness into your life. You need to be the one to take control. If you don’t, than who will? We are here to enjoy the life we have, we only get ONE! Only one chance to do the things we want to do and to accomplish. There’s no time for self-pity and self-loathing. Let’s make the best of what you have and what you can offer this world. Everyone has something great to give.
Here are some tips to positive thinking to empower the “you” within:
1.Focus on the positive and not the negative.
If you only focus on things that you don’t want, guess what, that is what you will get. Concentrate on all of the things/people/feelings/circumstances that you wish to happen. You are going to be thinking anyway, why not think in a way to help instead on hinder. If you ask someone not to think of something what do you think they will do? Of course, they will automatically think of it. Example: “Do not think of a red elephant?” I bet you just thought of a red elephant. Word your thoughts in a way to think positive. Instead of “Don’t slam the door!” say “Close the door quietly!” A good indicator is the way you feel. Try to stay in that “good feeling” place, and if you are not there, think of things that make you feel good and happy to get you back there. It takes practice but before you know it you will quickly get and stay with your “good feelings”.
2.Find your passion and purpose.
What do you love to do? What gives you the most pleasure and not feel like working? You have a purpose in this life, we all do. What is yours? Make a list of all the times you have felt great joy and alive? When the list is complete. Answer: What are my strengths? What brings me great joy? What am I passionate about? Is there anything that I can do today to help me come closer to feeling that joy and passion every day?
3.Finding you life’s goals.
Take a look at all the areas in your life. ( personal, career/education, relationships, health & body, recreation, financial, contribution) What do you want to improve? Where do you want to go? Make a list of all your dreams and dream BIG. It might seem out of this world but as long as you reach for stars you won’t come out empty handed. You deserve it, go ahead REACH!!!
What can you do today to start to reach your first and most important goal? Take little steps and soon enough before you know it. You will have achieved it.
Here are a few but important tools to help you along the way. By doing these daily it will help keep you on track and focused on what you want in your life and not get sidetracked by all the negativity. When that does happen, realize it, accept it, change your focus to a positive aspect that you want in your life and FEEL the positive emotions that go with that.
This is a powerful tool that will help re-program your subconscious mind to know and believe what you are saying is true. Your thoughts and words affirm who you think you are and how you are perceived to be. By changing your thoughts and words you are affirming it as your own personal truth. Example: “I am prosperous and everything comes easily to me.”
Close your eyes and go over in your mind all that you wish to do/be/accomplish. Visualize what you would like to have happen and to attract to your life. Whether it be a certain type of person, relationship, job, house, car. This can also be used if you have a problem that you want to solve and have it go your way. Go over every single word, action that you wish to have happen in that scenario. YOU map out your life by your thoughts, so why not make the most of it and plan what you want.
3. Attitude of Gratitude
Be grateful daily for everything that you do have, whether it’s an old house, beat up car...no matter what it is. If you are grateful for what you do have you will appreciate more of what you have coming. Being negative sets us up for more of the same. I’m sure you know what it’s like being around people who are always angry, complaining about something, upset, whining. They are not pleasant to be around. Is that how you want to be remembered? You are not responsible for their behaviour, you are only responsible for yours. As long as you are in control of yours and have a positive, gracious attitude you will notice that things in life just seem to happen much easier, you’ll have no reason to be upset and angry because life is treating you good! Every night make a list in a journal of all the things that you are grateful for. You will soon realize how great life really is and what you have and you will receive more joy and happiness.
Now all you have to do is take action and BELIEVE. Have the belief in yourself that you accomplish anything you set your mind to, achieve goals that you previously never thought was possible. Take the time everyday to make sure you are on course with what you want your life to be. You’ll start noticing little things. When you do, take note of them and after the first month, read what you wrote and see all the POSITIVE things happening for you. Even if it is just getting the parking spot you envisioned, a free coffee, or meeting up with someone you wanted to see. Only YOU can do it. So set out to enjoy your life, believe you can do it and empower the “YOU” within!
“Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation. “ - Brian Tracy
Tania Boutin is a Certified Reclaim Your Life Coach with specialties as a New Life Story Coach, Self-Discovery Coach (in progress)and Motivational Teacher. She is also a workshop facilitator and Law of Attraction Trainer. To learn more about the workshops click this link: http://tinyurl.com/ydc9y4d
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