Pregnancy is one of the most exciting change in women’s life and its also the most wonderful time in couple’s life.

However, during pregnancy we need to take due care and keep a check on oneself, so that no complications that can occur. Woman’s body when she is pregnant undergoes daily changes, it may at times cause stress and with pregnancy there are some life threatening conditions, some possible risks and even some abnormalities which may at times happen to a pregnant woman. Being aware of the risk factors, early signs, symptoms etc can be very helpful to minimize the risk, alleviate the problems, avoid stress etc.

One such condition is of Tubal Pregnancy which is also known as ectopic pregnancy.

As we all know, the baby grows in mother’s womb and that is uterus. As the fertilized egg travels to uterus and then implants itself in its walls and then the baby starts growing and developing in uterus for next some thirty eight weeks or so.

But in case of Tubal or Ectopic pregnancy, or the pregnancy which occurs anywhere outside the uterus. In this the fertilized egg generally implants itself not in uterus, but in fallopian tube, abdominal cavity, ovary etc. But most of the cases of Tubal pregnancy that is ninety five percent of the tubal pregnancy have been found in the fallopian tube. This kind of abnormality and risk happens when egg takes some long time to travel to uterus, where in it implants in fallopian tube only, also due to some structural defects which prevent egg from reaching uterus or some sought of scar tissue.

Dangers could be unfolds, and could be life threatening, but timely detection of tubal pregnancy helps to avoid the risks and further harm to women’s body. Therefore it’s better to know about the Early Symptoms of Tubal Pregnancy. Tubal pregnancy when goes undetected, develops, in the fallopian tube, and eventually rupturing the fallopian tube, which causes massive bleeding and thus endangering the life of that woman. But with the knowledge of early signs of tubal pregnancy and with proper and regular check up, ninety percentage of tubal pregnancies are detected early in stage and can be removed and minimizing the risk and saving the woman.

Early signs of Tubal Pregnancy:

1. Pain in abdominal
2. Pain in pelvic area
3. Signs of early pregnancy
4. Vaginal bleeding that’s not due to menstruation
5. Dizziness
6. Nausea
7. Fainting
8. Low Blood Pressure when bleeding is severe

Do contact your doctor if you experience any of these:

1. Early signs of pregnancy,
2. Developing any abnormal vaginal bleeding: it could be while you are pregnant or even in between your periods
3. Fainting experience- during pregnancy or during your menstruation cycle
4. Dizziness
5. Also one important sign is pain in shoulder- the left one especially when you are pregnant
6. If you suspect any problem or infection while pregnancy, infection in urinary tract etc.

Though rare, a Tubal Pregnancy Symptoms is a life endangering condition that women preparing and planning for pregnancy must be aware of, specially if they might be at danger from fallopian tube abnormalities, sexually transmitted diseases and a past occurring of ectopic pregnancy. Tubal pregnancy can simply be detected in time, as not only for protection of the woman’s life, but for also preserving her fertility. In spite of the emotional and physical trauma, the greater number of women goes on to have a pregnancy which is normal within time pan of a year also after recovering from an tubal/ectopic one. Pregnancy is a phenomenal time in a woman’s life and through knowledge and awareness, along with modern treatments, the baby which is a miracle and life’s most precious gift can be preserved.

Author's Bio: 

Robert moore is a health consultant and a guide for Early Symptoms of Tubal Pregnancy. To know more information about very early symptoms of pregnancy,symptoms of pregnancy in the first week, symptoms of ectopic pregnancy, tubal pregnancy symptoms, stages of pregnancy visit