Thoughts can be seen as one of two types. Thoughts that just appear, random ones you haven't chosen to think. And thoughts that you choose to think. The first are generally far more numerous.

Normal thinking - random thoughts - bring the regular consequences which people experience much of the time. These consequences are often unforeseen with emotions, negative feelings, and you don't feel great!

Think consciously rather than unconsciously
You may not have much control over your life but, brain-washing aside, you are the one who can exercise control over what you think. Meditation is all about this. Controlling your thoughts takes effort. It may be simple, but what's simple is not necessarily easy. Change your life by discovering the value of thinking consciously rather than unconsciously!

Conscious thinking enables you to choose what you think, which changes your words, and your actions. Your deeds have consequences, which lead to your experience. And you feel either good or bad about that experience.

Each experience is an opportunity to feel something. Otherwise it's just intellectual, not real. And if you decide to pass on feeling, the universe then gives you another opportunity, and then another...

When you self sabotage by declining to feel an emotion, the volume is turned up next time, it becomes more intense. Such experiences will continue until it's strong enough that you have no choice but to feel the emotion fully. You generally judge these experiences as bad, or worse!

Emotions are feedback
Yet your emotions are valuable feedback on the consequences of your actions. If you feel bad, that tells you the choice you made didn't work so well for you! It was not effective! It also tells you how to change your life: Improve your choices!

Natural law, the Absence Principle, says you need to experience both the negative and the positive to be complete and move on. Both emotions and feelings are there to motivate you to make more effective choices. Your emotions give you the negative, the scarcity side of the situation to help completion.

So don't self sabotage by reacting negatively to your emotions. Rather learn to accept them as reality, and then ask yourself how you can be positive in the situation. When you fully accept them, you don't react negatively, the emotional charge diminishes and eventually evaporates, and you can move on.

Investigate your beliefs
Yet intended consequences come more easily when you have beliefs that support your intentions. So change your life by learning to reexamine your beliefs and to select your beliefs intentionally. This means exactly what it says - literally! Improve your wisdom by learning to explore, to investigate your beliefs before adopting them.

When you evaluate beliefs first, you learn to select ones which support rather than sabotage you.

© Copyright worldwide Cris Baker, All rights reserved. Republishing welcomed under Creative Commons noncommercial no derivatives license preserving all links intact, so please +1 and share this widely!

Food for Thought
"Once your thoughts reflect what you genuinely want to be, the appropriate emotions and the consequent behaviour will flow automatically."

- Wayne Dyer, D.Ed, American self-help author, motivational speaker

Author's Bio: 

Cris Baker has much practice in overcoming adversity, he's been screwing things up for years! Why suffer the consequences of your own mistakes? Now you can benefit from real knowledge, crucial know-how gained from his vast experience with extensive pain and suffering!

Check out choice at Life Strategies to see more about your choices, discover how to overcome your self sabotage and change your life!