“What’s that eerie noise?” Karen asks two friends.
“I don’t hear anything,” they reply.
The noise repeats with the same friendly reaction.
Karen’s friends don’t intuitively hear the non-physical noise she intuitively hears. Or they doubt or fear it. If it’s the latter, they deny its existence to maintain their status quo and sanity. Yet, everyone has the gift of intuitive hearing—the ability to hear various sounds “out in space” or in their heads (temporal lobes), throats (inner ears), or hearts. These intuitive experiences occur whether their physical ears are clear or blocked.
You intuitively hear an infinite number of sounds at home and on the go. Intuitive sounds arrive while you bathe, drive, work, talk, eat—and so on. The top four intuitive sounds are noises, music, voices, and words.
NOISES: Do you intuitively hear doors open and close without human assistance? Heavy footsteps or squeaking floorboards? Soft bells or shrill whistles? It isn’t your imagination or eardrums flipping. I’ve had numerous intuitive experiences with non-physical noises. I intuitively heard hefty footsteps behind me while hiking with a group around Stone Mountain in Georgia. I turned around and physically saw no one. I intuitively heard rumbling noises before opening a secured door in an office building where I worked. I swiped my ID card to open the door and the rumbling stopped. None of my co-workers had arrived at work. My conclusion: invisible spirits roam everywhere.
MUSIC: You intuitively hear earthly and heavenly songs that play once or repeat. These songs, familiar and unfamiliar, come unbidden but contain meaning for you and others. I intuitively hear several songs every day while I’m awake and asleep. One morning, I woke up and intuitively heard the R&B song “Candy Rain” by Soul for Real. I sensed a sweet day lay ahead and it happened. I intuitively heard Kirk Franklin’s gospel song “Lean on Me” during and after attending an International Conflict Management e-symposium held at a university in Kennesaw, Georgia. The song reflected the global need for peaceful and fair negotiations—not tyranny or war.
VOICES: Do you intuitively hear other people’s thoughts? Long-ago conversations? Disembodied human and non-human voices talking to or around you? You’re not alone. You’re one intuitive among millions. However, people often keep these intuitive experiences to themselves due to a fear of being called crazy, ostracized, or locked in a mental institution. One morning while taking a bath, I intuitively heard an angelic voice advise, “Write your prayer in the water.” I wrote it with my right index finger as guided. On several occasions, I intuitively heard friends’ names pop in my head and I called them. They said, “I was just thinking about you.”
WORDS: One word or stringed sentences paint a setting for you to interpret. I asked my intuition to give me a word for the day. I intuitively heard the word “patience.” I realized I needed to be more patient with others and myself. On another day, I edited my book and intuitively heard wisdom: a door that opens for you isn’t necessarily meant for you to enter.
Your gift of intuitive hearing communicates intuitive messages containing insightful information that isn’t meant to scare you but is meant to grasp your attention for significant events you might miss while managing your life. If others deny intuitively hearing what you intuitively hear, that’s all right. Pay attention to intuitive sounds, write them in your journal, and notice how they guide and protect you.
Darlene Pitts is an intuition consultant, speaker & author of Discover Your Intuition and Let's Talk Intuition. She created 65 Abundant Living Cards. She teaches intuition development courses and uses her intuition in consulting with individuals, businesses, and law enforcement. Visit her website at www.inspirationandintuition.com.
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