Media A Dirty Truth...
There are approx 6,692,030,277 of population breathing in this world, means same numbers of brains are working days and nights, if I am not wrong each brain works differently. Let suppose half of population thinks constructive and another half thinks against.
Due to an effective role of media, brains are diverting all across, and especially those good minds who think constructive are strongly affected. In other words, we can say Brains vs. Brains. One brain is diverting to another by the help of media.
Why is that so?
Why these media people attracting your mind by showing sexy clips?
Why they are making you think badly?
Why media made good people bad?
Do you have an answer on that? If you have, then you are best person in the world and would love to meet you.
Let me tell you something which is very interesting.
Do you know what Psychology of Learning is?
Definition (Learning is a process that depends on experience and leads to long-term changes in behavior potential. Behavior potential designates the possible behavior of an individual, not actual behavior. The main assumption behind all learning psychology is that the effects of the environment, conditioning, reinforcement, etc. provide psychologists with the best information from which to understand human behavior. Neurosciences have provided important insights into learning, too, even when using much simpler organisms than humans. Distance learning, eLearning, online learning, blended learning and media psychology are dimensions of the psychology that are emerging and where research and literature are important in the 21st century).
Five attractive and fastest ways of learning.
First: Mind attracts those things which he sees lively, this is the most attractive and fastest way of learning.
Second: Motion pictures (movies)
Third: Speaking Images (those images with captions or Drawings)
Fourth: Audio
Fifth: Reading.
Before going further, I just want to show a video which expressed dirty truth of media and art, will get to know how it gives you wrong direction. The video I have taken is from “The Arrivals” a documentary which unhide truth.
Is that’s a dirty truth? Think …think .and think... What are these media people doing with us, with our kids and with our brothers and sisters, keep diverting our mind from roots…Is that good? Sometime reality is so pathetic and give lots disappointment when it seems.
I just want to show one more video about mind control and hope; it will give you clear picture of Media
In this video you have seen two old men anchoring, was awakening the real world. Like.
We, people, have to find similarities instead pointing out the difference and that`s what media is not doing, always make difference from people to people that’s why we people are alwayiin a state of war.
If we talk about the owner, real owner who own every thing, owns you, owns media so, they control all the information and only share what they wanted to…
Owners only want you to work under them as a machine (obediently). Just do what they want and we are doing the same.
By stating that it doesn’t means that I am getting against of media No, I am getting against people who are abusing it and now,taking step ahead by putting religion in it.
As you all know, media is polluting our religion (Islam) by making movies, advertisement and bad songs. Especially, publishers, to make crispy news they use Islam or Muslims in it
See what is it………..
I am Cool and joy seeker human being, love to spread happiness and meet good people. Hate lies and injustice. Always ready to help friends and right people and please don't get over smart in front of me
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