Managing a nonprofit organization is one of the toughest jobs around. You have a worthy cause, wonderful staff and volunteers, but the funds for promoting your organization are very limited or not there at all. How would you like to have an unlimited source of potential donors that you can speak to on a daily basis about your needs, upcoming events and volunteer opportunities?

Today's online Social Networking has an unlimited amount of opportunities for nonprofit organizations. These are just some of the free or inexpensive ways to promote your organization online.

Dreamhost Offers Free Hosting for US-based 501(c)(3) organizations. They will house your website, which is an estimated savings of $60-70 per year.

Vertical Response
is an online electronic newsletter service and they also offer free accounts for 501(c)(3) organizations.

Facebook is one of the hottest and fastest growing social networking sites on the Internet. You can set up a Free profile for your Executive Director and then establish a Page for the organization to promote giving, events and volunteer opportunities.

LinkedIn is another free social networking site that is primarily used by professionals. This is an excellent venue for donors and board members.

Twitter is a micro-blogging platform that allows you to talk as much as you want about your organization, events and needs. There is no limit to the amount of "tweets" you can make about your organization.

Do you have a face for TV? What about video? Then YouTube is for you. Record a short video; 1-3 minutes, no more than five and set up a YouTube channel. Video is quickly indexed by the search engines, sometimes in as little as 10 minutes!

There are many creative ways to get your message out and these along with many others can help your nonprofit to meet and exceed your fundraising goals.

Author's Bio: 

Terri Brooks has a passion for sharing incredible information. She is the owner of A Virtual Business Solution an Online Business Management Company and she is a certified Internet Marketing and Social Media Specialist. She trains and consults with entrepreneurs and nonprofit organizations, through her Tasting the Internet, One Byte at a Time Program, to maximize their exposure through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, along with blogging, and electronic newsletters/ezines.