Do you dread Mondays? Research consistently shows that Mondays (mornings in particular) are viewed in a most negative light. More heart attacks occur on Mondays versus any other time of the week.

How can we create a feeling of hope and optimism for Mondays, as well as any other time.

The organ that is responsible for hope and optimism is the Heart. When we keep the Heart strong and healthy, emotions such as joy, happiness, hope and optimism begin to flourish. Not only are Mondays much better, but every day of the week contains a nugget of great potential which is realized and capitalized upon. In other words, we begin to see great opportunities when our Heart is strong.

One of the simple ways to keep the Heart strong is consuming Almonds. Yes, this tasty nut is considered THE food for the Heart. In addition to keeping this organ strong, it is arguably one of the best substances for the immune system as well.

Also adding any food that is red into the mix will strengthen the Heart. Strawberries, red meats, beets, red apples and the like are substances that will nourish the Heart.

Finally, there is an herb called Ren Shen. It is not only useful for the Heart, but is said to elevate the Spirit; that is, it is considered a mood enhancer. It comes in tea, capsule and liquid tincture form. Tea is the weakest and tincture is the most effective. Take early in the morning and it can make Mondays into a time to look forward to.
Dr. David Orman is the creator of the best selling HGH and anti aging supplement, Doc Wellness Supplement. He has lectured to Congress, taught at major universities and has authored over 35 professional journal articles.

Reprinted with permission:

Author's Bio: 

Dr. David Orman is the creator of the best selling anti aging formula, Doc Wellness Supplement found at

He has lectured to Congress, taught at major universities and have over 35 professional articles published. He has treated 1000s of patients over a 25 year career.