The Creative Process

Most creative processes involve setting goals, deciding what actions need to be taken in order to succeed, and finding the motivation to do what must be done. Success requires willpower. Getting the goal, or the perks associated with the goal, is the purpose of creating in this way.

Success frequently takes years of hard work and dedication to reach our goal. Once our mind accepts that creating happens from the outside in, it requires that we continue to do so. It can become exhausting over time because we are always chasing a dream, facing our fears, and taking risks. We live in the future. Coaches give an added push and badly needed support. But in time, most people burn out; then even a coach can’t push them to their goal.

Creating from the inside out is different. We still create a goal, intention, or desire, but the purpose of that desire is simply to set our direction – achievement of the goal is secondary. We focus our attention on the beliefs and thoughts that stand between our current reality and our desire. We clear the gap between them. Once we are congruent with our desire in mind, body, and spirit, it must manifest.

The Mind is Key

Most people have evolved in their thinking to recognize the importance of their mind; we all realize that achieving our desires requires less effort when we mentally align with our actions. However, many people have replaced physical hard work with mental hard work -- visualize the dream, say those affirmations, believe and you will achieve.

Willpower is still necessary, and more people fail than succeed. Coaches now support us in changing our mind, as well as taking the necessary action.

Mind the Gap

True inside out creating looks new, but it’s actually very old. It was the way that initiates created in ancient times. It was said that the initiates entered mystery schools as mortals and exited as Gods. They used a lot more than just affirmations and visualization to do that.

In the ancient world, creating through action was known as occult creation; it was considered fixing the effect instead of the cause, and it was frowned upon. All problems had mental causes – beliefs, complexes, and archetypes created the gap between mundane reality and the desired result. The initiate let go of beliefs until the gap disappeared.

Learning to let go is a lot like learning to ride a bike. It takes a bit of trial and error; but once you learn, you rise to a new level of freedom. I have many other articles on this site about letting go of beliefs.

Schools of initiation made great leaders, with pure, loving minds that manifested anything they desired effortlessly. While most people use action to make goals happen, the initiate didn’t take action until it was effortless and inspired. The majority of their work was mental – constantly letting go and discriminating between true and false. Inspired action was taken when it was the right step at the right time.

Eventually, the initiate did nothing that wasn’t inspired. The time between the appearance of the desire in their mind and its fulfillment in the outer world shortened as their mind became pure and free.

The Witness

The initiate became a witness of their own mind to unveil their beliefs. Then they let the beliefs go. This process is simple, but not easy. Old beliefs show up as true because we’ve seen evidence of them in our life experience. This is why so few succeed in letting go.

In the ancient mystery school, you weren’t permitted to convince others to support your desire. You weren’t permitted to act unless inspired. You weren’t permitted to change your behaviors unless inspired. You weren’t permitted to get advice. You weren’t permitted to fix the effect of your beliefs. You weren’t even allowed to change your mind. You had to let go of the beliefs so completely that you didn’t even see the belief in others. You were only allowed to ask for support in letting go of your false thoughts or beliefs. Your mentor, or initiator, helped you to discriminate until your mind became clear.

Why is this so powerful?

When you work toward fulfillment of desires in this way, you become completely inner directed. Instead of focusing on results, you observe and let go of the thoughts and feelings in your mind and body. You move out of the future into the present. You focus on your own life instead of others. Of course, the past has colored the present so the past does arise, but only so that it can be examined, reviewed, and let go. The initiate’s mind becomes a discrimination machine, separating the wheat from the chaff until only the truth remains. This was called finding the kingdom of heaven first so that anything could be made manifest.

Is my desire right and good?

If you do this process and your desire is not right for you, you’ll lose the desire. You won’t get it, and you won’t care. A true desire doesn’t disappear; it expects to be fulfilled. You can’t screw this process up, and you can’t harm others by letting go. That alone makes it a wonderful process.

Beliefs can be let go, but you can’t let go of the truth. In addition, the desires you fulfill this way will never have a backlash that you’ll have to deal with later on. The process is holistic and pure.

Initiation was about removing limitations permanently. In the mind of the initiate, God represented the pure mind with no distracting or contradictory thoughts. When God thought, the desire manifested immediately. Thus, humans with pure minds were said to create like a God, creating much confusion around myths and stories from that time period.

Our human challenge comes from sharing earth with others who have different desires and goals and allowing them to fulfill their dreams while traveling down our own lane. Eventually, we learn that we win when others win; and that was the final lesson of initiation. The initiate realized that competition just doesn’t work; joy is in cooperation and co-creation.

Tricks and Traps

At first, this way of living creates a mental apocalypse. People are shocked when they begin to witness their minds. Their complex of beliefs, which the ancients called the false self, doesn’t go down easily; it has tricks and traps. Letting go can feel as if one is fighting the battle of Armageddon within.

But each small victory over the false self exposes more of the True Self. For some, the false self wins; and they get pulled into the outer-directed world once again. Others will remark. “I know I was born to do this; it just feels right.”

So it is a choice; a way of living that’s there for us when we choose it. You know you’re ready when you can’t find the motivation to create in the old ways anymore. You just can’t say one more affirmation, follow one more practice, or force yourself into action anymore.

For me, this way of living became so much more than creation. I’m constantly shocked by the beliefs I find that have limited my own creative abilities. Creating from the inside out is completely win-win. Jealousy, fear, and anger go away. You become incredibly cooperative and find joy in others realizing their dreams. You find aspects of your life improving that had nothing to do with your goals. Health improves, problems cease to exist, and relationships become easier. In short order, you can’t imagine going back to the old way of creating. Inner motivation kicks in pushing you to keep letting go.

As a coach and mentor in these processes, my job is to support people in letting go and to help them discriminate when their mind confuses them. Eventually, they feel confident in letting go without my support. I delight in watching others discover their lost power, unveil desires they filed away as impossible, and discover who they really are. I love watching them flourish as their fears disappear.

In the ancient world, this divine way of life was only available to those who could leave their homes and families. But now, we can all choose the path of initiation and achieve mental and emotional freedom in this life.

Author's Bio: 

Cathy Eck has a Ph.D. in esoteric studies. She has been researching the techniques and secrets of the ancient initiates for over two decades. You can read more about her insights and research on her blogs and Cathy also has a variety of mentoring programs.