When you meet someone new, what are you drawn to? What turns you off or diminishing your desire to connect with that person?

People naturally gravitate to energetic, enthusiastic individuals. And, studies (and common sense) show that happier people are more successful in all areas of life, including in their careers and their businesses. They even make more money than less happy counterparts.

It’s probably easy to realize from your own personal experience that working with someone who’s a downer just isn’t fun. So, why not capitalize on the power of happiness and turn yourself into a client magnet?

First, answer this. On a scale of one to 10, how happy are you in general? How happy are you with your business right now?

How happy you are may have a bigger impact than you realize on how successful you are getting new clients, securing joint ventures and strategic partnerships, and nailing down other business opportunities.

YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR HAPPINESS! The good news is 40% of your happiness is controlled by YOU!

Research psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky explains in her book The How of Happiness that 50% of you happiness is pre-determined by genetics, 10% is based on your circumstances and a whopping 40% is based on what you do and how you think.


There are lots of easy ways you can boost your happiness level. Here are a few to help you get started.

1) Know You Deserve Happiness and Make It A Priority
Do you believe you deserve to be happy? Do you allow yourself to be happy? Well, you do deserve happiness and you must allow yourself bliss! In fact I believe it’s a huge priority with an even bigger payoff. There’s no downside to increasing your positivity. What can you gain? Only a more fulfilling life and better business!

2) Uncover and Release What’s Draining You
What and who are your vampires? Do you have responsibilities or circumstances in your life that drain you that you can let go of? Are there negative people in your life you can release? You’d be surprised how freeing it can be to get rid of the gunk that’s holding you back. Surround yourself with people and things that inspire you to be great.

3) Choose Happiness - Retrain Your Brain for Success
Only YOU are responsible for your own happiness. When you accept accountability you understand that you can CHOOSE HAPPINESS whenever you want or need to. Stop allowing life’s little annoyances – like a long line at the bank or just missing the subway – ruin your mood. How you react to others and what’s happening around you is up to you. Make it work for you!

4) Do More of What Makes You Happy
Do you know what brings you joy? You need to know what brings you pleasure and do more of that regularly! One way to tap into it is to create a happiness list of things that delight you and then do those things more. It can be as simple as buying yourself fresh flowers once a month, or calling a friend more regularly.
These small actions can have a big impact.

Once you’ve amped up your happiness, you’ll feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin. And that translates into a more dazzling you that will attract potential new clients and business partners.

Author's Bio: 

Elaine Wellman, The Happiness Coach, is a certified life coach and happiness expert dedicated to helping women entrepreneurs and professsionistas create more success in their lives and businesses by mastering the skills that lead to happiness. Receive a free happiness and success workbook, The #1 Secret to Happiness for Successful Women, at www.elainewellman.com.