Finding that special someone is something that most people dream about. Unfortunately doing that is not as easy as it sounds. Everyone has advice for you as to how you should go about finding that potential soul mate. However, no method is fool proof. In fact, due to dating desperation many people have turned to online dating as a relationship resource.

The truth is that when online dating first came about there was quite a bit of stigma surrounding it. Most online daters were seen as people who just could not meet someone in "real life." However, today online dating has become one of the top methods of meeting people. Much of the stigma has fallen away, but unfortunately many of the negatives associated with it are still incredibly prevalent. Before you commit to an online dating site you will want to become familiar with the potential pitfalls and dangers of online dating.

In order to get started with an online dating site any potential daters need to create a profile of themselves. The online profile is the source of many of the online dating problems. While you may be completely forthright with the information on your dating profile, others may not be. Often people on dating sites may choose to use pictures or descriptions that are far from realistic. Perhaps they make themselves sound better in their profile or a picture from twenty years ago. Many times these are used to increase their profile responses, but ultimately you can wind up wasting quite a bit of time dealing with someone who is not what they present themselves as.

Additionally, many dating sites leave profiles up that have been inactive for quite a while. Basically, an online dating site wants to make it appear that they are the best on the internet. The number of profiles on that directly impact that. However, what you may find once you commit to one of these sites is that the multiple profiles that have been advertised are inactive leaving you without the dating prospects that you had hoped for.

The truth is that you have no guarantee of who you are corresponding with online. Unfortunately, we live in a world that is full of predators, and many of those use the internet as their stomping ground. Many sexual predators choose to use online dating sites as a tool for their perversions. Additionally, you are not able to identify a sexual predator purely by what they look like. When you are using an online dating site you need to be very careful to protect your own safety.

Online dating sites are typically paid for with a credit card, and this is not always a good thing. You may be given a free trial, but then your card is charged without your your knowledge. Be sure that you read the details of any sign up contract prior to giving your credit card information out. Additionally, you want to fully checkout the online dating site. You want to be sure that you are dealing with a legitimate site that does not simply take your money.

Unfortunately online dating sites are not always full of people looking for a committed relationship. Many people who are looking for dates online are actually looking for quick hookups. If that is not what you are looking for then you may not find online dating to be the tool that you hope it to be.

Instead, you may want to look for a different dating tool. Believe it or not, matchmaking has been quickly gaining in popularity. Why? Well the truth is that a professional matchmaker has your interests in mind, and they are their top priority. A matchmaker wants to find that perfect person who will be compatible with you. Matchmaking is based on finding someone that fits your needs.

Author's Bio: 

Teri Smith is a Personal Christian Matchmaker and has been matchmaking in Southern California for over 20 years. She is responsible for putting together over 350 couples in marriage with a ZERO DIVORCE RATE.

Teri (or a member of her team) personally interviews each prospective candidate to ensure suitability.

For your confidential interview, visit her site at