Collaborated Composition of Physical, Metaphysical and Spiritual Bodies
[Vinod Anand]
When the mind takes the atman — the witnessing entity of the unit mind— as its so-called object, mental waves get straightened gradually. In the end, when its wavelength becomes infinite, and flow in a straight line, the mind will get transformed into atman.
This state is called samadhi. Here the psychic waves have attained a parallelism with the spiritual waves of atman. This psycho-spiritual parallelism is known as bhava or idea. When this idea is conceived on the psychic level, it is ideology or the conception of idea.
Hence when we call some materialistic or political principles of a person, party, nation or federation an ‘ideology’, it is wrong use of the term.
‘Ideology’ involves spiritual sense; it is an inspiration which has parallelism with the spiritual Entity. Shabda or sound is in its initial stage a psychic wave. Let us see what artha, or meaning, is. We hear a sound, but the concept of the word uttered is not clear till the mental waves are brought in contact with the physical concept involved.
A child hears the word ‘cat’. He sees a cat and the mother says, “See, my son! That is the cat which drank your milk yesterday.” The boy associates the word ‘cat’ with the cat seen. That means he establishes a parallelism between the mental waves created by uttering the word ‘cat’ and the physical wave coming from the physical form of the cat. Hence psycho-physical parallelism is the meaning of a word which itself (the word) is a psychic wave.
It is idea and meaning, and can be either direct or indirect. Indirect parallelism will be the case when the object expressed in the word (psychic wave) is not perceived directly and thus physical parallelism cannot be made directly, but has been made with the help of some internal samskara already formed or through some description made by some other source. Psycho-physical parallelism always tends to make psychic waves cruder, and if the mental wave gets cruder, human beings will be transformed into cruder beings and spiritual elevation will remain a dream.
However, in day-to-day business, we have to conceive the meaning of words and thereby establish psycho-physical parallelism. Then, is human destiny sealed forever? No, it is not! We can have a supreme position of the spiritual wave over the physical wave and perceive the latter as one of the manifestations of the spiritual, infinite one.
This is what Ananda Marga philosophy means by Brahmacharya, and not celibacy. It is assimilation of the psychic wave of the unit mind into the eternal waves of the macrocosm. By bhava sadhana or spiritual practice of auto-suggestion, the mind will tend towards Brahmacharya and thereby towards psycho-spiritual parallelism, the only way to ultimate liberation.
Because, for mental liberation, psychic waves must be made subtler, and this is only possible if one either entertains only subtler mental waves or inspired with a spiritual force gets a parallelism of the mental waves with spiritual ones. Complete development of the integrated personality is essential for perfect spiritual realization.
Personality includes all three — the physical, mental and supra-mental bodies. This means it is a collaborated composition ‘of physical, metaphysical and spiritual bodies. So the proper development of each is essential.
Born in 1939, and holding Master’s Degree both in Mathematics (1959) and Economics (1961), and Doctorate Degree in Economics (1970), Dr. Vinod K.Anand has about forty five years of teaching, research, and project work experience in Economic Theory (both micro and macro), Quantitative Economics, Public Economics, New Political Economy, and Development Economics with a special focus on economic and social provisions revolving around poverty, inequality, and unemployment issues, and also on informal sector studies. His last assignment was at the National University of Lesotho (Southern Africa) from 2006 to 2008. Prior to that he was placed as Professor and Head of the Department of Economics at the University of North-West in the Republic of South Africa, and University of Allahabad in India, Professor at the National University of Lesotho, Associate Professor at the University of Botswana, Gaborone in Botswana, and at Gezira University in Wad Medani, Sudan, Head, Department of Arts and Social Sciences, Yola in Nigeria, Principal Lecturer in Economics at Maiduguri University in Nigeria, and as Lecturer at the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria in Nigeria. Professor Anand has by now published more than 80 research papers in standard academic journals, authored 11 books, supervised a number of doctoral theses, was examiner for more than twenty Ph.D. theses, and has wide consultancy experience both in India and abroad, essentially in the African continent. This includes holding the position of Primary Researcher, Principal Consultant etc. in a number of Research Projects sponsored and funded by Universities, Governments, and International Bodies like, USAID, IDRC, and AERC. His publications include a variety of themes revolving around Economic Theory, New Political Economy, Quantitative Economics, Development Economics, and Informal Sector Studies. His consultancy assignments in India, Nigeria, Sudan, Botswana, and the Republic of South Africa include Non-Directory Enterprises in Allahabad, India, Small Scale Enterprises in the Northern States of Nigeria, The Absolute Poverty Line in Sudan, The Small Scale Enterprises in Wad Medani, Sudan, Micro and Small Scale Enterprises in Botswana, The Place of Non-Formal Micro-Enterprises in Botswana, Resettlement of a Squatter Community in the Vryburg District of North West Province in the Republic of South Africa, Trade and Investment Development Programme for Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises: Support for NTSIKA in the Republic of South Africa, and Development of the Manufacturing Sector in the Republic of South Africa’s North West Province: An Approach Based on Firm Level Surveys. Professor Anand has also extensively participated in a number of conferences, offered many seminars, participated in a number of workshops, and delivered a variety of Refresher Lectures at different venues both in India and abroad. Dr. Anand was placed at the prestigious Indian Institute of Advanced Study (IIAS), Shimla in the State Himachal Pradesh, India as a Fellow from 2001 to 2003, and had completed a theoretical and qualitative research project/monograph on the Employment Profile of Micro Enterprises in the State of Himachal Pradseh, India.
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