We know from science that words are energy and that the words we speak can actually change our DNA. It makes sense then that we watch our words more carefully, and monitor what we stories we tell ourselves about who we believe we are.
There have been a number of interesting films over the last decade or so, like What the Bleep, and What if….the Movie, that tell us about quantum physics and also introduce us to some of the major contributors to what we know currently about DNA, transformation and the unified field, such as Dr. Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Dr. Candace Pert and Asara Lovejoy.
The most important thing about quantum physics, the unified field, and particle physics is probability, and our capacity to create from that unified field. If you remember the scene in What the Bleep where the young man was bouncing a basketball and there were actually multiple and endless possibilities where that basketball ‘actually’ was….the observer (the actor Marlee Matlin), actually chose where the ball ended up by her unconscious intention. When she turned and looked at the ball, all probabilities collapsed to the place where she expected to see it.
"Reality cannot be found except in One single source, because of the interconnection of all things with one another." Leibniz
The most critical thing about particle physics is that these subatomic particles are not solid and stable things and they exist in many states all at once…they are in a state of pure potential, as state of superposition or the sum of all probabilities.
Physicist Richard Feynman (quantum electrodynamics) calls the role of the observer in quantum physics, “the mystery which cannot go away”. As we choose to become conscious observers of our lives, at any point in time, we can create what we have chosen rather than what we have been told is already there.
Dr. Candace Pert, the pharmacologist who researched neuro-peptides and receptors and the storage of mental-emotional addictions as well as chemical addictions, teaches that when we focus on what we want and focus our positive intention, we open receptors to joy and close our receptors to pain. We actually don’t even have to close our receptors to pain, when unused, they close on their own.
We are able to connect directly with our subconscious, in the unified field, and to communicate how we intend our lives to be now. We collapse the field of probabilities in the moment and create what we consciously intend in our lives.
Dr. Katie-Lynne Garnett, is a counseling psychologist, founder of Behavioral DNA Programs, co-founder Programs for Awakening, and Certified The One Command Seminars Leader & Coach and published author.
Her work as an educational and counseling psychologist, Transformational Coach, and international corporate consultant, includes significant work in Europe, Asia and the United States, including the Pacific Rim. Working with Fortune 500 companies, universities, entrepreneurs, and individual clients, Katie focuses both on business growth and on the personal success of her clients.
Dr. Garnett’s study of the phenomenon of quantum physics, paired with her research in the psychology of human behavior, social change and the significance of The One Command in relation to human potentiality, brings her clients the capacity to re-program their lives as they choose .
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