Four thousand chemical compounds in one little white stick, or — to be more precise — in the smoke coming out of it.

More than 50 of them are proven to be carcinogenic. Just listen to the more familiar names — and what they represent — to get the feeling of what they are: benzene—petrol additive, formaldehyde —embalming liquid, ammonia — toilet cleaner, acetone — nail polish remover, carbon monoxide —deadly gas, arsenic — rat poison, DDT—banned insecticide, hydrogen cyanide — gas chamber poison… The list goes on.

Ignorance is bliss.

Every time you make a puff, you are striking your organism with a lethal weapon. Every time, you are around someone who enjoys their cigarette, you are under attack of the same arsenal.

If you carefully lay down under the parked car with a running engine (make sure it’s yours or you may have issues with the owner), suck on the exhaust pipe, inhale the smoke that comes out of it several times, then do it again in 1 hour, and again in half an hour, and again, and again—you’ll be less bizarre than a smoker who lights up a cigarette with enviable regularity around 20 times per day, every day.

According to a recent study in Italy, air pollution emitted by cigarettes is 10 times greater than the diesel car exhaust. If you have decided to harm your body, you might as well do it in the more extravagant but safer way.
Imagine one glass of thick black smelly liquid. This is as much tar as a regular a-pack-a-day smoker takes in during 1 year of smoking. Now multiply this by 30 or 40 years… It’s actually a miracle how strong the human organism is and how long it fights for life. It endures decades of careless but systematic abuse before it finally gives up.

How long are you planning to test yours? Whatever your age and experience in smoking are, you will do yourself a huge favor, if you cease smoking now.

Exactly now is the best time to stop smoking. It will never be perfect enough. As long as you live, you will have issues, challenges, and stress situations that have been serving you as great alibis to postpone this. “He who hesitates is lost,” as the saying goes, so you might as well stop procrastinating and find your way out.

Everything is easy once you make a decision. A clear-cut resolution. You, and only you, can do it for you. Nothing in the world can help you unless you decide to help yourself. Once you do it and you become a happy non-smoker, you will wonder why you haven’t done it earlier.
Now is better, because between the present moment and the indefinite date in the future you will have smoked lots of the deadly sticks. Every single cigarette you smoke increases your chances to pay tribute to the smoking plaque. The price of the honor is your life.

As Joel Spitzer, a leading authority on stopping smoking said, “Some smokers come into our clinics wondering if they need to quit smoking. They claim to feel fine… Unfortunately, the first sign of some of the smoking related illnesses is sudden death. This is not a preferable time to consider smoking cessation.”

So do it now before it’s too late.

Another 20 are dead. During the time it took you to read this short article, an estimate of 20 people died in the world because of smoking-related illness - 1 per each 6 seconds.

Cease smoking before it is too late. Life without tobacco feels better, smells better, and tastes better. It also lasts better.

Author's Bio: 

Daniyar Aha is a co-founder of the personal empowerment company DAYAMOGU that creates and holds workshops in personal development, work productivity, interpersonal relations, and tobacco-free life.

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