Every year, interior design is moving forward. Who would have thought in the last century that modern trends would be like this? With the development of technology and the construction industry, materials appear more and more often, the creation of which was not even suspected before. Plexiglass is just such a material. Stylish and effective appearance, shine, and transparent surface - all this is guaranteed to give the interior a sense of style and presentability. And the practicality of this material has repeatedly proved its capabilities.

What is plexiglass

Plexiglass is a vinyl polymer obtained from the synthesis of methyl methacrylate. The material has many names, including polycarbonate, acrylic. It is used in almost all areas - construction, transport, advertising, trade. It is difficult to imagine modern design and architecture without its use. As a result of special processing, spectacular products from transparent plastic are obtained, thanks to which unique designs, equipment and decorative elements appear.

Main advantages

Plexiglas has gained particular popularity for fences and the creation of functional partitions. This is due to the special properties of the material, which make it durable and practical. The most important benefits are:

-lightweight relative to ordinary glass;

-after strong heating, the material is deformed, which allows you to give it any shape;

-lends itself well to processing with different tools;

-perfectly transmits light, which allows the use of plexiglass for windows.

Due to its unique properties, the material is widely used in design and decoration. It is possible to use plexiglass for desks and other furniture, creating surfaces with different shades. They are distinguished by their high impact resistance, which allows them to be used on frequently used surfaces.

Features and properties of the material

The material stands out among others for its special properties. It is stronger and lighter than ordinary glass, it transmits light well. The surface does not turn yellow, and no harmful substances are released during combustion. The material is easy to clean and does not require the use of special products. It is highly resistant to heat.

Plexiglas is suitable for organising any space, regardless of the main style, interior design. It adds functionality to large rooms and makes it easy to divide them into different zones.

In small rooms, the use of such materials visually increases the space. So, plexiglass ceilings illuminate the space well, they can include decorative elements, a strict graphic design, or a floral print.

Plexiglass partitions

The best application of the material is plexiglass partitions. They separate a large space and do not obstruct the penetration of light. You can choose from a variety of good quality acrylic sheets. They can be completely transparent, matte, or with decorative elements. 

A Plexiglass for the shower is selected taking into account the allotted space. Thanks to its easy processing ability, it is easy to create a custom shape box. The Bathroom plexiglass complements the formed interior and serves as a practical splash-proof function. It looks good against the background of a painted, plastered surface, imitation of brickwork.

Plexiglass door 

Plexiglass doors are very much in demand. Its relevance is confirmed by the fact that it is used in luxurious apartments, and in fashionable clubs, working receptions, etc.

Plexiglass for a door is a safe solution compared to glass construction. It is less traumatic when damaged, allows you to create a large-scale sliding structure.

Facade glazing

Tinted plexiglass can be used for the facade glazing. It is obtained by spraying a metal or coloured coating. Sometimes it can also be a polymer film. Tinted plexiglass perfectly reflects, has a long service life, and does not let in the sun's rays - that's why it’s perfect to use it for facade glazing.


Plexiglas in the manufacture of furniture is very popular and relevant. Almost everything that you can think of can be made from it, from a TV table and coffee tables to cabinet facades and office furniture.

Plexiglass ceiling

The use of plexiglass in-ceiling equipment is explained by its presentable appearance and the atmosphere of airiness and weightlessness that it creates.

Panels instead of walls

In the manufacture of wall panels, glass is initially tempered and then treated with ceramic paint. In this case, plexiglass is durable and does not fade over time.


Already now we can safely conclude that plexiglass will be at the peak of its popularity for a long time. And it is not surprising, because its use in almost all styles of interior decoration only proves this, and the result obtained in the form of an elegant design, presentable appearance, and increased space consolidates its position in the list of the best. Such demand for plexiglass is explained by the fact that it is environmentally friendly, has a great look, and has the ability to visually increase the space of the room.

Author's Bio: 

Mia Johnson is a writer with a ten-year-long career in journalism. She has written extensively about health, fitness, and lifestyle. A native to Melbourne, she now lives in Sydney with her 3 dogs where she spends her days writing and taking care of her 900 square feet garden.