Pregnancy is the stage where you may find yourself wrestling in bed trying to get comfortable before sleep. But, your regular sleeping positions will not allow you to be comfortable during pregnancy. While there are several reasons for this uneasiness during pregnancy, there are some sleeping positions that will help you get the much-needed sleep and keeps you in comfort. Before that read below:

Why Is There A Discomfort?
During pregnancy, your body goes through a variety of changes and these tend to disturb your usual lifestyle. Following are the reasons:

1.Increased abdomen size

2.Back pain


4.Shortness of breath


Which Sleep Position Can Help You the Best?
1. Experts say that sleeping on your left side increases the reach of blood and nutrients supplementation to the placenta.

2. Bend your knees and legs.

3. Keep a pillow between your legs.

4. If you have any problems with backache, try placing a pillow under your abdomen as well.

5. In case of a heartburn, try using a wedge pillow.

6. During the last trimester, some women may experience shortness of breath. Lying on your side helps in this as well.

7. Not all tips might work for all women. However, try them all to find your best fit.

8. Also, keep in mind that you should not stay in one position the whole night.

Sleep Positions That You Should Not Try During Pregnancy
On your back:
pregnancy sleeping positions

You could face back pain, breathing problems, other problems like in the digestive system, hemorrhoids, hypotension, and also leads to the decreased circulation of blood to the heart and to your baby.

On your stomach:
During pregnancy, the abdomen undergoes physical changes and makes it more difficult to lay on your stomach.

Sound sleep is an essential component of health and wellbeing. It occupies one-third of human existence; unhealthy sleep can severely impair the other two-thirds. An increasing amount of data now shows that poor sleep? such as sleep-disordered breathing, poor sleep quality, and insomnia – hurts pregnancy outcomes. Indeed, over half of the most important risk factors for stillbirths, such as maternal hypertension, gestational diabetes, and fetal growth restriction, have been shown to be associated with maternal sleep disruption. Research says that sleep positions during pregnancy may also impact on stillbirth. Therefore, do not forget the SOS (Sleep on your side) enjoy the comfort and keep your baby in comfort.

Author's Bio: 

Iam Uma, working as a content writer for medplusmart. Graduated from Andhra university and passionate about blogging