Being grateful to me means waking up and being happy for all my many blessings. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the trees are pale green with new blooms. I feel grounded in Goddess Gaia by her grace that surrounds me.
As a new day begins again I am reminded of the simple things that bring me joy. Being grateful opens that door to inner peace. All I need do is notice the good all around me and feel uplifted within.
We create through our thinking. What we focus on we create as energy follows awareness. So let's remember each day to focus on being grateful for everything both big and small.
Gratitude Changes Our Attitude
In my own spiritual practice I stand at the doorway of my mind. When I become aware that I am irritated about something or someone I remember to switch my focus to what I am grateful for. Gratitude changes our attitude. Immediately I feel the inner shift as my mood becomes elevated.Gratitude changes our attitude by switching the focus of our thoughts. Instead of dwelling on what is not working in our life we interrupt those thoughts. Immediately replace them with thoughts of gratitude.
Do not underestimate the power of this simple jewel for self discovery. We are always creating with intention. Gratitude changes our attitude by switching our intention so that we can more consciously create with God.
Practice of Gratitude
Start your day with a practice of gratitude. Pay attention to your thoughts and consciously transform them with an attitude of gratitude. For example, go from "I'm too tired to get up this early," to "I'm so grateful for the chance to start my day early."
Feel the internal shift that your practice of gratitude creates within you and keep going. Appreciate everything around you and notice the calmness and joy slowly rise up inside you.
Have gratitude for the clock that wakes you, the tea or coffee that warms you, and the sleepy faces of your loved ones that greet you. Or, "how wonderful it is to awaken to a quiet house."
Be in gratitude for the birds chirping or the morning traffic outside. Everyone and everything in our life gives us the chance to acknowledge Goddess within us and in them, experiencing oneness when we have a practice of gratitude.
Let everyday be a day where we live in gratitude. We are all truly loved, blessed and guided by Source. Gratitude opens the doorway to that realization.
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Intuitive Readings Seattle - Reiki Healing Seattle - Meditation Seattle
For more than 28 years I have been helping many people from all walks of life and across the world, including India, China and England. Some clients prefer to come see me in person for an Intuitive Reading. However, the majority of my clients call me for phone sessions.
Intuition is unlimited as God is unlimited so it doesn't matter whether you are in the same room with me or in Hong Kong! My intention is the same - to serve as a channel of clarity and healing to assist you in all areas of your life. Doing this work makes me truly happy and I blessed to be able to help people and do what I love.
When you set up an Intuitive Reading in Seattle or a phone session with me, it's best to write down your questions ahead of time. This helps focus your intention on what it you want guidance for in your life.
At the beginning of your Intuitive Reading, I go deep into a meditative state and ask Spirit to allow me to be a clear and pure channel of love, healing and guidance for you. The answer to each question flows through me in words and pictures and the information received is spiritual in nature, yet practical for every day life.
I encourage all of you to:
Live your true potential
Feel your own wholeness
Experience inner peace and joy
Express your creativity
Be who you really are- perfectly human and perfectly divine
For more information about Reiki Healing, Intuitive Readings and Meditation or scheduling a session, please fill out the online contact form @ or give Maureen a call at (845) 706-HEAL (4325).
Love & Blessings
Maureen Brennan Mercier has been a Metaphysician for over 28 years and has helped many people in all areas of their lives. While taking a meditation class in the summer of 1983, Maureen discovered her gift of channeling and began her spiritual journey.
Maureen's new found connection with her higher power helped her through the tragic death of her husband only weeks later.
Raising two children alone and overcoming other challenges throughout her life has given Maureen more strength, compassion and emotional intelligence. Her love of people and her great passion for life continually inspire her work.
Meditation Classes
Maureen teaches meditation classes using simple guided imagery and channels spiritual guidance for the group, which is uplifting. Each person is able to ask a personal question at the end of the meditation and receive specific spiritual guidance for their life journey. The energy during the meditation is very loving, compassionate and nurturing which is healing in itself.
Intuitive Readings & Spiritual Guidance
Intuitive Readings are based on the client's questions about relationships, career issues, emotional issues, health, attitudes and beliefs, loved ones who have passed on and more. Maureen goes into a meditative state where she accesses specific guidance in answer to the questions being asked. The channeled information she receives during an intuitive reading is spiritual, yet very practical. After a reading with Maureen, individuals feel more relaxed, reassured and more positive about their lives.
Reiki Training & Reiki Healing
In September 1992 Maureen received her first degree Reiki training. After years of practicing Reiki healing in small groups, workshops, centers, and retreats throughout the United States, Maureen received her second degree Reiki and Reiki Master Degree in August 1999.
Maureen is extremely grateful for the gifts of healing she has received over the years and is committed to being a channel of LOVE, GUIDANCE and HEALING. Her life's work is about assisting individuals with their healing, spiritual growth and the remembrance of who they truly are - DIVINE.
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