- Heat - a warm bath, a hot shower, a hydroculator, a hot water bottle, a towel dipped in boiling water - will provide temporary relief for most backaches.
- Tiger Balm, Olbas, Zheng Gu Shui, Wintergreen oil and other homemade or purchased herbal liniments and rubs can penetrate into deep muscle tissue to relieve tension and pain. They work best if followed by moist heat.
- St. John's/Joan's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is highly effective at relieving backaches. The tincture is a specific for muscle spasms; use 15-20 drops in a glass of water every few hours as needed. For severe pain, add 3-5 drops of Skullcap tincture. The infused oil of St. J's has the unique ability to enter the nerve endings, relieving pain and easing any nervous system irritation. It works like a chiropractic adjustment, but through a different route: the nerve endings are soothed and the muscle is released, the vertebrae slide back into place.
- Cat/Cow can be practiced daily or whenever needed. Get on your hands and knees on a firm surface; inhale, let your head hang down and arch your back up like a cat; exhale, lift your head all the way up and let your spine return to parallel with the floor. Continue flexing the spine up and down while breathing rhythmically. This exercise can also be done in a standing position.
- Knee/Chest Twists stretch the spine and keep it supple. Once a day, or when needed, lie on your back on a firm surface and pull your knees to your chest. Stretch your arms straight out to the sides. Roll your knees to the left and your head to the right; relax for half a minute, then roll your knees to the right and your head to the left and relax again. Repeat once or twice.
- Chiropractic adjustments are one of the best preventatives of backache during pregnancy.
- Sleep with pillows supporting your legs, back and belly.
- Wear shoes which have flat heels and offer good support to the feet and legs.
- Minerals needed to diminish and prevent backache include calcium and magnesium. Magnesium is found in all fresh green vegetables, apples, figs, wheat germ, and all seeds and nuts, especially almonds.
- Lemon juice in water, up to six glasses daily, benefits the kidneys, easing backache.
- Wheat grass juice is highly recommended for all ills, including backaches. The bright green juice of the wheat sprouts contains a plentiful supply of the nutrients needed to strengthen muscles, ease the nerves, and keep the spine flexible. To prepare the juice: soak wheat berries overnight, drain off the water, and spread the wheat one berry deep onto an inch thick layer of dirt on a cookie sheet with edges. Water the whole thing several times a day. Harvest the green shoots by cutting them when they are several inches high. Use a special wheat grass juicer to extract the most juice, or blend the shoots with water in your blender, then strain and drink the liquid.
- Nettle infusion is unsurpassed for toning and aiding kidneys.
- Comfrey infusion provides every vitamin and mineral necessary to prevent backaches. It is also rich in amino acids, the building blocks of protein, needed in plentiful supply for strong abdominal muscles and healthy babies.
Legal Disclaimer: This content is not intended to replace conventional medical treatment. Any suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom. Personal directions and use should be provided by a clinical herbalist or other qualified healthcare practitioner with a specific formula for you. All material contained herein is provided for general information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or consultation. Contact a reputable healthcare practitioner if you are in need of medical care. Exercise self-empowerment by seeking a second opinion.
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Susun Weed
PO Box 64
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Fax: 1-845-246-8081
Susun Weed is the voice of the Wise Woman Tradition, where healing comes from nourishment. She is known internationally as an extraordinary teacher with a joyous spirit, a powerful presence, and an encyclopedic knowledge of herbs and health. Ms. Weed restores herbs as common medicine, and empowers us all to care for ourselves. For free ezine, on demand radio, recipes, resources, online courses and much more, go to:
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Susun Weed is the author of the Wise Woman Herbal series, including: Healing Wise, Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year, New Menopausal Years, Breast Cancer? Breast Health, and Down There Sexual and Reproductive Health the Wise Woman Way. Learn more at site includes hundreds of books, CD’s DVD’s digital downloads, and educational opportunities.
Study with Ms. Weed in person at the Wise Woman Center in Woodstock NY, online at the Wise Woman University, and via Correspondence Course, For information on Susun’ workshops, correspondence courses, apprenticeships and more visit Herbal Medicine and Spirit Healing the Wise Woman Way:
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