Do you actually believe that you are going to achieve those lofty goals of being a top home business entrepreneur and make big money in your home based franchise for this last part of 2009, looking into 2010? Most people don’t believe. And when I say believe, sure on the surface they might talk the good game, but deep down there is always that question mark, that voice that says, why should this year be any different than last year…especially in this economy?

Do you have that same little voice? I’ll tell you he gets around that is for sure, and that is why most people will never accomplish their lofty goals and make the kind of money that they would love to make in their home based franchise.

Your success and wealth will never be yours unless you start to have confidence in yourself that yes, despite the economy, despite working the long hours, that despite the family not being 100% behind you, that indeed you will be a top home business entrepreneur and have a successful home based franchise. I know that is easier said than done, so let’s take a look at how it can be done.

Did you know that the average person has about 50,000 thoughts per day? Whew…that is a lot of thoughts and sadly most of them happen to be negative thoughts. I don’t blame you, take a look around you…CNN (Constantly Negative News) drones in the background of homes and offices, everyone is getting a bail out but the people who really do need it…you know, people like you and me, our kids tell us that we don’t know anything, the commute is a drag and your boss constantly is harping at you. It’s hard to get out of feeling least for a good portion of the day.

Your first move is to get out of being the victim. You are not the victim. You have complete control of everything that happens in your daily life; so take control. Start today. Sure, it might seem a bit awkward initially, but as you take control more and more, you will like the feeling that having more control gives to you.

Turn off CNN, don’t allow the kids to be disrespectful, listen to motivating tapes and CD’s on your commute and start to do something about firing your boss!! Take control!! As the saying goes..I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and gosh darn it.. people like me!!

The power of your mind is incredible and unfortunately you are always programming your subconscious mind. You are programming your mind with both the positive and the negative thoughts that you have throughout the day.

So, if the majority of those 50,000 thoughts are negative, that is what you are programming your mind to think and because your mind listens to you, your mind believes those thoughts and makes them true. The good news for all of us is the same can be true for the positive thoughts.

Your second move is to carefully monitor your talk whether it is your self-talk or your day to day typical conversations. You must be persistent about this. Most people at this point in their lives are so conditioned by negative self-talk, that they don’t even realize that they are doing it. If you need to ask a friend to be your ears and ask them to interrupt you every time you start to talk negatively about literally everything then do it!

As you become more and more conscious of the conversations that you have out loud, you will then become more conscious of the conversations that you have to yourself. Both can be equally damaging, or helpful, depending upon which way your conversations go.

I find that one of the most powerful tools for building self-confidence and getting rid of the negative conversation is the repetition of positive statements until they become a natural part of the way you think. These "affirmations" act to replace the negative conversation you have been sending to your mind for the better part of your life.

Every morning before I get started with my day I do three things...without fail. I write down my affirmations for the day, I say them out loud to anyone who will listen (usually it’s only my cat, but he will do!) and then I write in my journal everything that I am grateful for in my life and for the day. Yes, it is a ritual that I have, but after I am done, but mind set is powerfully positive and I feel like I can conquer the world. I know that now my self-talk is going to help me to get to the dreams and goals that I have laid out for myself and for my home based franchise for the end of 2009 into 2010.

Your third move is to make a list of around 20 affirmations that you will write down and say once, twice, even three times a day. When you say your affirmations, say them out loud, with conviction and with confidence. Your mind will start to believe the orders that you are giving to it. That is when your goals and your dreams will start to come to fruition for you and your home based franchise.

Believing in yourself is a choice…it’s your choice and it's an attitude you develop over time. Your negative self-talk will not end tomorrow, but now you know how to take responsibility to take charge of your own self-talk and your beliefs.

You must choose to believe that you can do anything you set your mind to - anything at all - because, in fact, you can! Take action today…be the top home business entrepreneur and have the best home based franchise and I will see you at the top.

Author's Bio: 

Jen Gilbert is the CEO of JBS Communications, LLC; a company devoted to empowering entrepreneurs around the world with marketing, sales and mindset tools to live the freedom based lives of their dreams.

While best known for her sales/marketing success and expertise, her team shares that her greatest impact is her straight-forward and unique dedication to mentoring, coaching and leadership.

For more information on Jen Gilbert go to: