The human conscious mind is not able to consciously recognize subliminal messages for what they are. A symbol or word flashes on the TV screen and even if the mind does not recognize it for what it is, chances are that if the message is repeated many times over, the mind will get to associate it with a certain thing only. That is why this kind of messages are used in the commercials in radio and TV. Subliminal words and symbols are also used in print advertising. The effectiveness of such messages depends on repetition and is long term. Remember, it appeals to the subconscious mind at first glance. While the messages might have no impact at first glance, the truth is that they can also be used extensively to bring out the best in a person.

Just like the use of subliminal technology where a certain idea is infused into the subconscious mind via an MP3 formatted message, these types of messages also act on the subconscious mind. An image flashes across the screen fast, and for a short span of time, the mind is forced to react in a certain way. This is an unforgettable experience and therefore the mind will always interpret any similar flash or occurrence with that message. While it has been argued extensively that this is like brain washing, the truth is that this is a very effective way of passing messages.

People will see a message and they will fail to connect it with their conscious mind. Such is what happens when in a movie, there are advertisement placards in the background, but one does not notice them because one is focused on the act. The placards could have been placed there on purpose to advertise that product, but only the subconscious mind registers them. This is the same as hiding objects in the most obvious places, where you know that one would not look for them. While messages passed this way might have no effect immediately, what happens is that the subconscious mind registers those flashes, so strongly such that the conscious mind cannot formulate arguments against it. Therefore, their effect is indeed long term.

When written expertly, such messages are indeed positive and they stay with the people for a long time. For example, they should not remind people of something that they abhor because then they would associate everything that is bad with the message. Because such messages appeal directly to the subconscious mind, they are just the same as imparting a positive message through MP3 format onto the subconscious mind of a person. The only difference is that in the latter situation, this is more direct. The effect is the same. If the message was good, the subconscious mind will associate everything else that it rates as good with the message. Advertising messages written that way are very effective in the long term.

Subliminal messaging has many benefits. They enhance assertiveness and focus. Psychologists use such messages to help patients fight phobias and enhance memory sharpness. It encourages very quick thinking as befits certain situation that one might find themselves in. in fact it has been ascertained that this type of messaging has negligible disadvantages. It is used extensively to motivate people and bring out the best in them. It is also used to enhance greatness, personal development and capacity building.

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