A Channeled Message from Divine Mother:
Children, I want you to pay close attention because of the dire straits we are all in now, as I recently mentioned to you. The Pyronese will become flooded. Walls go up where they had finally come down; a feeble attempt in the mind of man to desperately hold onto the old paradigm, rather than making the shift into the new; which is the only way he will survive and thrive through the times we have now entered into.
Separation is a Silent Killer! We are one big family of Humanity! Don't you see? The walls in the outer world, the walls we use to keep ourselves separate from each other, and from Gaia, are a mirror for the inner walls we have constructed. The walls within all of you must come down! All the Crusty, Ancient Walls that were erected in order to protect us from pain, fear and despair have now become our deepest enemies; choking the life out of us; out of our world! Walls that keep us hidden from the Sensitivity, Softness and Beauty of our Hearts, our subtle, feeling nature, without which we are merely cold stones, unable to experience the Sublime Nature of Love's Eternal Truth & Power! You are Love! Love is Your True Nature, just as water is the nature of the ocean! You are the very embodiments of Divine Love; Prema Swaroopa! You arise from Love, you live in Love, and it is Divine Love that you return to!
Bring Down the Walls!
Yet, it is Love's nature to Flow, just as the Ocean flows back and forth against the Shore, mostly in a sweet and soft rhythmic nature, gently caressing and acknowledging each grain of sand, in and out, back and forth, like breathing. The ocean does not have to consider how it will get to the shore and back again, it simply allows itself to do so, following the natural order appointed to it. It is like this with Love. It does not have to consider how it will flow and in what way it will manifest. it simply rushes forward out of it's own luminous impulse to shower Blessings upon all that is, in great and powerful currents of luminous joy and compassion; currents that are, by nature, free of any selfish desire.
Yet the Mind of Man, once Pure, Subtle and Free of Selfishness, grew to be polluted and mired in Delusion that hardened within him. He forgot His True nature and grew to believe that he was separate, building great walls between himself and all that is. Walls that caused terrible suffering. And the subtle, luminous impulse to shower blessings that came from within him grew heavy & dense; stopping the great and powerful flow of the currents of Luminous Joy and Compassion. The Light within him grew dim, and Gaia, Goddess of the Earth, who survived upon the Currents of Luminous Joy and Compassion, became malnourished and began to die of abuse and malnutrition. The Light within Her grew very dim. Man's inner world became so out of balance, that His outer world began to reflect that same chaos and despair.
The Agony of Inner Walls
These walls we have erected, walls in the heart, walls in the mind, walls in soul; have kept us from the natural flow of Divine Energy within us, from the Truth of our Divine Heritage and the Peace and Bliss that emerges from the experience of that Truth. Walls that keep us disconnected from our Divine Roots, and our ability to use those roots to keep us anchored, stable and strong as we take flight through the pearly Luminosity of the Subtle Realms within us, Boundless Realms of the Sweetest Delight and Immense Bliss where we experience the essence of our unity with All-that-Is. That inner perception of Unity will then reflect in our outer world. This is the True Wealth of Our Divine Heritage, that makes Trillionaires look poor in comparison! Love, Bliss, Unity, Peace. Truth. These wretched walls must be torn down brick by angry brick, for they impede the flow of Love and Grace, keeping us from our innate Connection and unity with each other, and destroying the world around us. Until we find that balance, our outer world will always reflect the imbalance with us; hurricanes will grow monstrously large, the fires will burns out of control, there will be inundations of water where it should not be, Gaia will groan and quake, prosperity will slip through our fingers like water and wars will be waged. How long will it be until we awake?
I am Here, Children. My Divine Love & Power has the capacity to shatter any wall, anywhere; whether the walls are within You, or in the Outer World. Call Me by my Warrior Names: Kali or Durga. Call me with Devotion and with Intensity and I shall be there with you. The Vibration of my Mantras will shatter any Wall and Open any Heart. This is Why I Am Here Now! We must destroy these Walls that are choking off the Divinity of Humanity, and the Harmony on Earth! Only then will Peace, Love, Wisdom, Balance & Prosperity be restored. Call Me from deep within your Heart & Mind, and I will arrive with all my weapons, ready to do battle with the dark, ignorant forces that created the walls. Time is Short! Do it Now!
Durga's Vehicle - the Lion
The lion represents power, strength of will and determination. Mother Durga sitting atop the lion symbolizes her mastery over all these qualities. This suggests to the devotee that one has to cultivate all these qualities in order to overcome the ego's hold on us.
Durga's Many Weapons:
* The conch shell in Durga's hand symbolizes the 'Pranava' or the mystic word 'Om', which indicates her holding on to God in the form of sound.
* The bow and arrows represent energy. By holding both the bow and arrows in one hand, Durga is demonstrating her control over both aspects of energy - potential and kinetic.
* The thunderbolt signifies firmness. The devotee of Durga must be firm like thunderbolt in one's convictions. Like the thunderbolt that can break anything against which it strikes, without being affected itself, the devotee needs to attack a challenge without losing his confidence.
* The lotus in Durga's hand is not fully bloomed, symbolizing certainty of success but not finality. The lotus in Sanskrit is called "pankaja" which means born of mud. Thus, lotus stands for the continuous evolution of the spiritual quality of devotees amidst the worldly mud of lust and greed.
* The "Sudarshan-Chakra" or beautiful discus, which spins around the index finger of the Goddess, while not touching it, signifies that the entire world is subservient to the will of Durga and is at her command. She uses this unfailing weapon to destroy evil and produce an environment conducive to the growth of righteousness.
* The sword that Durga holds in one of her hands symbolizes knowledge, which has the sharpness of a sword. Knowledge which is free from all doubts, is symbolized by the shine of the sword.
* Durga's trident or "trishul" is a symbol of three qualities inherent in life - Satwa (inactivity), Rajas (activity) and Tamas (non-activity) - and she is remover of all the three types of miseries - physical, mental and spiritual.
Devi Durga stands on a lion in a fearless pose of "Abhay Mudra", signifying assurance of freedom from fear. The universal mother seems to be indicating to all her devotees: "Surrender all actions and duties onto me and I shall release thee from all fears".
"My child, you need not know much in order to please Me. Only Love Me dearly. Speak to me as you would talk to your mother, if she had taken you in her arms."
Sanatani is professionally trained as both a Nurse Practitioner and a Clinical Social Worker. She worked and studied at both Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University, as well as other institutions of Higher learning. She has extensive training in Alternative Medicine and Healing Techniques. From an early age, she has had a deep connection with and Love of The Divine, as well as deep, clear communication with Spirit. She, like her husband, has had the Great Blessing of studying with Saints and Healers from around the world, and has integrated those teachings into her Healing Practice. She considers that to be the most important part of her education. Sanatani is a Master Herbologist, and her extraordinary gifts as a Medical Intuitive and an finely tuned Earth Sensitive have been documented and have been of great benefit to many people. In addition, she works with people who are dying and their families, assisting them in their passage into the next realm of existence.
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