Pregnancy is the most magnificent period of women life. This period is the “Golden Period” of her life. Tornado of emotions both splendid and deficient surrounds her at that time. Hormones level of progesterone and estrogen jack up. It is the time when taking care of the health of both mother and the child is a much needed. Regular check-ups prerequisite by doctors for examining the women for any complications.
Amniocentesis is a technique used by doctors for determining the health of fetus at various stages of pregnancy. This test is necessary to perform in case any kind of abnormality is detected in the ultrasound. Then theAmniocentesis tester prenatal test is performed. This test is more patronizing than the regular ultrasound and can help us detect some of the abnormalities like heart defects or others like the cleft lip of the growing fetus. This is mainly recommended for the women who are more than 35 years in age or detected with complications like an abnormal chromosomal number or wrapping up of the neural tube around the fetus.
How Amniocentesis is performed?
In such cases sample of amino fluid is taken from the body of the mother. It is a transparent liquid-like substance and contains the cells of the growing embryo. The amniotic fluid is generally taken using a needle penetrating from the abdominal walls to the uterus tissues and finally from the amniotic sac. This fluid is then diagnosed for the complications that are doubted to be present after the ultrasounds. These can be
Downs syndrome: Disorder in the 21st chromosome which causes restarted growth of the brain and decreased intellectual level.
Sickle cell anemia: Alters the shape of Red blood cells (RBC’s) like a sickle and decreases the oxygen level in blood.
Cystic fibrosis: leads to a growth of thick mucus which can harm the lungs and digestive system.
Many other diseases like trisomy in 13th and 18th chromosome, fragile X, muscular dystrophy can also be detected at early stages of pregnancy.
An amniotic cell is an ample source of strong cells. Preserving amniotic stem cells of an individual can help to cure many diseases in later stages of his life. This would replace the donor-recipient procedure. Artificial heart valves can now be developed using this technique. Not only the heart but tissues of organs like lungs, liver kidney and cerebral fluid can also be obtained.
A prenatal test is performed also for determining the sex of the developing fetus. This test is illegal and banned by the government authorities. It has led to increased cases of female foeticide and lessen the child sex ratio. Many little has been bought to a dreadful ending before their first blossom. It seems as if Being a girl child is a crime. Sometimes the female foeticides are performed at so later stages that it can even endanger the life of the mother. Taking all these risks willingly or forcefully the act is carried out just in the capacity of a male child. So, this has been prohibited.
Ella Rich is a specialist of Amniocentesis test at care diagnostic center provides the different medical services to patients at affordable prices.
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