As we enter yet another year, the reality of so many people around the world seems to be getting harsher and more painful. And it truly bothers me! Each time I hear about the many challenges that we face as a society, whether it’s about the recession, high unemployment rate, unfulfilled relationships, financial struggles, or serious illnesses, it deeply touches my soul and makes me want to lend a helping hand. But help how? The more I ponder on what has been happening across the globe these last few years, the more I realize what is most likely at the core of these serious pressing issues: fear and resentment!
When one operates out of fear, almost everything seems to appear bleak, impossible and out of reach, and a feeling of unworthiness takes over. And unfortunately, it’s a vicious cycle, the more a person lives from a place of fear and resentment, the more that person attract things, circumstances, events, people and situations to be more fearful and resentful of. It’s a really limiting and exhausting process!
I want people to know that what it really boils down to is: CHOICE. Everything in life is a matter of choice, whether you understand and accept it or not. Living in fear and being full of anger takes away your manifesting power, and that only brings more suffering and torturing to your heart, mind and soul. You deserve better! That’s why I’m inviting you to walk the “awakening” path with me, and experience for yourself how the warmth of faith and love can truly fill your entire being.
From my own personal journey in life, after years of dealing with uncomfortable situations and far too many negative people, I know it takes great courage and boldness to face our inner fears, doubts, worries, uncertainties and insecurities, but I also know that doing the same things over and over, year after year, and expecting different outcomes each time will keep us undeniably stuck right where we are.
My mission has become to inspire, motivate, and empower people to open their hearts, minds and souls to receive God’s personalized messages that are designed to reassure us, stop us from worrying and being afraid, chart our path in life, and help us come from a place of faith, love and courage. You see, God does care about the details of your life, but you also have the full obligation to show up and do your part in the deliberate creation process.
You are never alone, never have been, and never will be! Starting today, you can begin to gain a deeper understanding of who you really are and why you are here on this beautiful planet Earth. You can change the way you think, the way you feel, the way you speak, and the way you act. You can change your entire life, and you can change the world. You really CAN!
If we want things to change for us on an external level, then we must commit ourselves to making the necessary internal changes as well. I am inviting you to take the next step in your own personal evolution so you can begin to deliberately create and receive more of what you really want in your life. I will be here to support you in your awakening journey, every step of the way. Based on all that I have learned and experienced for myself from some of the great teachers in the world so far, I have come to summarize the attraction and manifestation process into 5 fundamental principles that you can start applying to your own life right now, and as you dwell upon and act on each one of these principles, your reality will begin to shift in a relatively short time.
Please allow me to walk that path with you, connect with me on my blog site - a great platform I use to learn from one another, to share amazing tips, tools, ideas and resources, and to grow gracefully and abundantly. You are amazing, and I'm grateful for YOU!
Myriam Benjamin is a woman of faith and courage. She loves life. She loves people. She loves God. Her passion for spirituality and personal development over these last couple of years brought her closer to her personal mission in life: to be of great service to the world by helping, inspiring, encouraging and empowering people from all walks of life to break down all their hidden barriers and self-imposed limitations so they can move towards a new well-deserved life of happiness, true bliss, abundance, and fulfillment.
She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management from St. John's University, and spent over 13 years working in various areas, mainly in Sales and Credit & Collections for a major multi-billion dollar corporation. There, she learned the concepts of providing great value to the public by assessing their needs, building relationships, mentoring and developing successful teams, and contributing to a company's bottom line. While she did enjoy her corporate career, she found herself longing for more, a whole lot more….like real passion and greater fulfillment.
And in mid-2007, when she was struggling with many uncomfortable situations and far too many negative people in her life, the universe winked at her by throwing certain pearls of wisdom and knowledge at her feet, one of them being the popular hit movie "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. After watching that DVD over and over, and practically memorizing most of the lines, her keen sense of curiosity and wonder started to awaken, little by little. For the first time in her life, she was exposed to the idea that she could finally create a different outcome for her life. As a single Mom of a beautiful and talented teenage daughter, and wanting to provide so much more to her, she became hungry and thirsty for more knowledge about this new found principle, and started to explore any and all materials on the subject that seemed appropriate and trustworthy enough. From that point on, her amazing self-discovery and personal growth journey started.
Myriam is also very big on giving back and helping others. She is always happy to share her time, her knowledge, her expertise, her wisdom, her energy, her money, and her experience with those who really need it.
Wherever you are in life at this present moment, and however far you have traveled to reach this point in time, you too can start your own Awakening Journey today. Let Myriam be a great source of inspiration and empowerment for you, and feel free to connect directly with her either via her blog site or via email.
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