Life as a gift from existence is intended to be a life lived
naturally, existentially, fully, joyfully, blissfully. In authentic
life nature flows through you without any repressions,
without any artificial barriers and without any artificial splits.

But does man live naturally? The mind’s conditionings do not
allow man to be natural. There are so many ideas that man
should go above his nature to attain supernaturalness, that
man has to be something more than nature itself, that just to
be natural means to be an animal, right? I’d doubt. Thus a
deep split is created. The dividing of the whole into parts
results in a conflict between these parts.

It is like an effort to cut the whole beautiful rainbow into
several parts. Is it possible to separate the rainbow in the
infinite sky? No one can succeed in it, or someone can? The
split of man into two parts results in fighting between both
parts, because one part of man's being becomes the enemy
to the other part. The whole energy of man becomes
dissipated in this fighting with himself.

Man cannot convince nature to go against itself. Nature
follows its own wise way. Definitely, man may try to fight
against his nature. He will never win, but he can at least try
fighting... And the result of such fighting is simply a
destruction of man’s natural beauty, of his spontaneous
dance, of his joy, of his full breathing of life, of his

As far as I am concerned, a goal to reach supernaturalness by
repressing naturalness results only in unnaturalness and in
misery. Only total acceptance of your nature, only total
exploration of all the energies of your nature opens the door
to super-consciousness. Not fighting, not repressing, not
pushing inside, but understanding, realizing and indulging in
your multidimensional nature results in the existential
blissfulness of life.

You are born as a natural being. Think about this. Feel this.
Realize this. Be deeply aware of this. Respect and indulge
this divine phenomenon gifted to you. You are born with a
wise nature inside. It is your foundation. It is your part. It is your
home. You cannot go above your nature because it means
you try to go beyond yourself. You cannot separate yourself
from yourself, or can you?

The idea of moving above your nature just suits your ego,
because the ego says, ”Man is not animals, so man has to be
above nature.” Right, man is different from animals. But this
is the great difference: animals cannot explore all the
dimensions of their nature but man can! Man can explore all
the heights of nature and all the depths of nature
to be more natural than animals. Man is the rainbow of
reality. All the colors are important in this divine luminosity.
All the energies are important. All the layers are important.

Man does not need to be above his nature. Man has to fully
realize his nature to fulfill it, to become more natural in all
the dimensions of life. Intelligent man is not the one who is
above nature, but the one who is totally natural, who has
explored nature in all its dimensions, who has not left
anything unrealized and pushed into unconsciousness.

Acceptance means NOT fighting with any part of YOU.
Acceptance means dissolving all duality. Man cannot reach
the whole by fighting with any extremes of duality.
Remaining in this very moment of the present transcends all

Man has the ability, the potential, the freedom and the birth
right to fully explore all the dimensions of existence. Your
nature is the interwoven part of the divine existence. Don't
fight with yourself. Just be aware of all the energies. And if
you have totally explored nature, if you fully accept nature, if
you don’t create an artificial split inside, then life becomes a
joy of realization and a festivity of aliveness.

But it has to be realized, otherwise these are just words.
They may be beautiful words but they are just words. They
are useful for inspiration but they are useless for
practical realization… until you dive into practicing. Doubt my
words and start exploring all the dimensions of this world.
Dive into the energy of life right now!

Author's Bio: 

Oleg Moskvine is the founder of the Dancing Physicist
System™.His fields of interests for over 20 years have been
the study of time-space phenomenon, psychic power,
meditation,self-realization and holistic life style.