By Satya

“This section collects messages donated by the Angels through channeling channelled by Satya, to accompany us on a Path of awareness, growth and evolution.
The purpose of these Messages is to help us to live happy here and now, in peace, totally free and in harmony with ourselves, with others, with everything around us.
These Messages are collected in books of Satya, disclosed by the Associação Cultural Suoni di Luce”.

"It's the pure heart of child who knows how to surrender,

in Our arms fall asleep "


Programming life is an essential thing to live it fully.
The needs of everyday life are many.
So if we want to give space to what is necessary for our body, for the heart, and the Soul, it is essential to make a plan of what for us is a priority, after what the daily life already asks us.
We hardly ever do anything that we want or feel necessary for us.
This especially if we are placed in a Western type society that requires programming in everything, even in long term.
In addition, there are the needs of the people we love, of family, of friends, etc.
Then, inevitably, every day we have to make choices.
Often unexpected events happen that change our programs and lead us to experience strong emotional reactions and unexpected stress.
That’s why it is not easy to speak of abandonment in such a 'programmed' life.
So it can seem spontaneous to think that only an 'alternative lifestyle' (without a job or outside society etc.), can allow us to live the 'abandonment'.
Angels help us to understand that this is not so, that
the 'abandonment' is a state of the heart that allows the Soul
to live its design, unknown to us, and that it is possible to live abandoned, beyond the reality that surrounds us.
'Abandoning' means allowing what our Soul has chosen before starting this journey to happen.
It requires us not to impede this, trying to live and be like we want, having what we want, but listening to what our Soul asks us.
When I was a teenager I got two beautiful gifts that helped me a lot to live in this abandonment.
A gift was a picture of a small row-boat with a thin sail, in the middle of the ocean, with a sentence written under it:

"Row with all your strength, but also store the oars when necessary, to allow your Soul by blowing on the sail and bring you to your beach, because only it knows where it is."

Another gift was knowing the metaphor of the farmer who is forced to divert the natural course of water, with wooden planks, to make it go in lawns that need it.
The water 'sees' those axes as obstacles that prevent it from going where it would like and certainly not as aids to reach where it can live its function of water: quench who is thirsty.
Only the peasant as our Souls, knows the right path.
Then, we must enable the Soul to take us along the right path, and understand that sometimes what we see as obstacles, can be of assistance to achieve our goal.
In my life I have had many confirmations of this metaphor.
And every time I've accepted calmly the closing of a door, then a big door opened.
In order this to happen, you can't stay in front of the door to try to open it at all costs, but it is necessary to continue the way peacefully.
So, now I am more than ever convinced that:
"What happens it’s good..."
This also when I don’t understand what happens, or doesn't seem a good thing for me.
I am sure, anyway it is for my Soul, and that it is better for me to achieve my goal.
I lived a long time alone and I have encountered many difficulties.
It was not so easy to learn to understand when I have to put the oars in my boat and let my Soul, my Angels, blow on the sail, often changing my route, or if it was asked me to insist, to fight, with even more force.
If I assessed the situation with the mind I couldn’t understand even now. I can ' feel’ what should I do at that time, if I listen to my heart, if I reach out my hand to my Angels, if I give to Them my life, if I put my Soul before everything.
In doing so I can't be wrong and my heart is in peace, because I'm sure my Angels know where to lead me, my Soul knows my goal.
And nothing is more important to me than following it, being a means for my Angels.
The abandonment is a huge achievement, and requires great strength, courage, determination and perseverance.
A long time would be necessary to explain what can help living abandoned and overcome the obstacles you may encounter.
And each person, then, comes to the abandonment with his/her experiences and his/her times.
The easiest way is to live the Essence of children.
Children do not seek the meaning of what they live, they don’t think about the past, they do not program the future and live the present intensely.
When stretch their hand to those who accompany them, they don't ask where they are going, they totally rely, sure that those who guide them, take them where they need to go and protect them in everything.
With awareness, we can be careful to always live in Light and Love, and, with responsibility, do everything we can.
So we can make as children do: reach out to our Angel and abandon serene to its guide, with the certainty of being totally protected and getting to our destination.
With the simple and ingenuous heart of children, we can hear the voice of the Soul, and so understand if we're actually doing anything that competes to us, to leave everything happen.
This balance between doing what it is up to us, and allowing our Angel to blow on our sail, between having the courage to change the things we can change and accepting the things we cannot change, leads us to live the real abandonment.
We thus will accept everything with serenity, certain that what we live is good for us and helps us to realize the design of our Soul.
Dear Luminous Soul, from personal experience, I can confirm that this achievement requires much, but gives a lot and much more.
Living in abandonment everything is easier to be lived and accepted, the joys are continuous and increasingly big, the peace of heart is unbroken.


What can help me to learn the abandonment?


"Put the Soul before everything, choose to live the project of the Soul, reach out to Me, sure that I will lead you where your Soul chose to go.
You can bring Light into every part of you and return to illuminate the parts that you have already illuminated, because the continued growth, the journey never ends.
While pulling away the larger pebbles, you uncover the smaller ones, after pulling them off, the grains of sand are discovered.
And in order things to grow, it is necessary to do it with a lot of joy.
Think of a stream of water: it first starts to flow as a stream, then becomes a brook, then a river, gradually becomes bigger and bigger, and when it enters the sea, it becomes sea itself, it turns into waves which flow and are flown.
Be like water flowing without knowing its path, and becomes a wave that is led, follow the Soul.
At the beginning you can meet some difficulties, some resistance, but the time comes when the deep union with Everything will flow into Everything, in a sweet way.
Your Soul chose the Great Sea, Our Sea, and you can become water, enter Our Sea and become a wave.
At that moment everything will be sweet, it will be wonderful.
Every day you can enjoy saying:
- Today I can flow even more than yesterday, abandoning me more than yesterday - .”


I find it hard to accept what I do not understand.


"Remember that it is almost impossible to understand everything about this journey, to understand all of the reality that surrounds you, to understand all the reasons of the situations that occur. So don't allow the mind to judge, to classify, to interpret.
If you live many moments of silence, you can learn to feel the heart, and in the heart the voice of the Soul. So in this way you’ll know how to accept serenely also what you can't understand.
Love what happens, even if you do not understand it, live with enthusiasm even in the confusion of the events.
Live with responsibility, do everything you feel necessary for your body, your heart, your Soul.
Ask My help to understand where you can still do something, where you can change something, where you should just accept.
Love everything around you, but do not tie to anything.
Live intensely what happens, but do not cling to anything, don't hold anything.
Rejoice for everything you have, you live, love everything that happens.
Remember to sing, to dance, to play.
Be happy to be a Luminous Soul, to live a very important journey, to be accompanied and protected by Me, to be able to donate your Essence to anyone you meet.
Many times incomprehensible things come to help you to detach from what you're experiencing, from the visible reality, to learn to listen to the feeling of the heart, the voice of the Soul.
Sometimes the confusion comes around to help you get even more inside you, push you to search for more silence.
Don't try to understand what is incomprehensible. Often, misunderstanding, confusion, are great gifts that allow you to feel all alone with your heart, to perceive everything with the Soul, to live with the heart, feeling a Soul. "


I know that it is good to follow the heart, but sometimes, following my heart, I moved away from my path, from myself ...


"This can happen when the heart is not completely healed, as long as there are needs, as long as you seek fulfilment outside yourself, when you chase the illusions when you leave room for personality.
That's why it's nice and right 'to be taken by the heart', but sometimes it can also be risky.
Now you can say:
- I choose to follow my Soul - .
Humbly accept that, sometimes, due to our fears, to maintain some securities, you can distort the words of the Soul, or you’re not able to listen to it.
There is a key to always listen to the Soul and be confident that what you feel are the words of the Soul: don't be afraid to lose, to leave, to change, and be ready to leave, change, lose.
If you are ready to this, if you made all the personality go, if your heart is pure, you understand the language of the Soul. "


Sometimes I’ve some fears I do not understand.


"Accept with serenity that going out of the castles that were built to create securities, walking outdoors without shelter, and meeting the unknown, always creates fear, until you will understand that in the unknown there are great gifts, great opportunities, great joys that await you.
Give Me all your fears, I will instil in you what will help you to go beyond them, I will dissolve them.
Accept the fear before, only this way you can see it, even if by far, then look at the Sky and climb there with Me.
If you don’t accept a fear, you won’t see it, and it will prevent you to walk.
Many things can create fears, for this they should be accepted and shared with humility.
Only this way you will strengthen your belief, and when a fear appears, you will be able to recognise and then dissolve it. The fears are dangerous because they remove the force, create doubts, weaken the Belief.
If you accept them and love them, if you ask Me to help you with this, you'll always know how to recognize them from afar, raise to them with Me.”


I don't know when I have to accept the daily life I am experiencing or when I must try to change the things that I don't like.


"Accept the daily life with Love and love it.
Try to turn it into continuous occasions for your growth, but do everything possible to make it lighter and more joyful.
As I invite you to accept you as you are, to become then more luminous, this is true for the daily life, for everything.
Let your thoughts, your desires, your actions, point to change for the better.
Wherever you are, with whoever you are, remember that there you are come to grow, to give your Light to express your Essence.
Therefore, live everything intensely, give all of yourself, help in every possible way, and be always ready to new changes and for other places.
This is living the abandonment.
Ask Me to help you to understand where, when and what you must accept, transform, or change, and to assist you in all this.
Then, listen in the heart, the voice of the Soul and observe what happens around you.
So you can capture the confirmations of what you felt in the heart. "


When I feel disoriented, I’m very much afraid.


"Give Me this fear and ask Me to help you.
Never allow your mind to give explanation to your disorientation, to ask why you're in that place, why the thing you are living is happening, but let everything happen, let everything flow.
There may be some moments in which you feel lost because you are contacting what now is invisible to you.
You can feel disoriented because what you're experiencing seems strange, or you do not understand its meaning.
Extend your hand to Me, ask Me to help you and do not fear anything.
Think that when you enter the world invisible to you now, you will feel new joys.
When you feel what you're experiencing is strange, or you don’t understand its meaning, feel that living this moment can strengthen you, can increase your Belief, it can help you to detach from what is happening."


Can you give me some help to increase my abandonment?


"You can make this game with me.
Go into the woods and walk, recalling the woods of your life; then walk into a valley, then in a meadow, and say:
– It was not easy to walk in the woods, in many valleys I walked with difficulty, on the lawns I know how to walk peacefully. Now I feel the joy of letting the forests, valleys and meadows go, of ascending to Heaven, and walk there - .
Close your eyes, choose to rest your feet in the Heaven, and then feel your feet lean in the Heaven.
So your heart and your Soul can remain in the Heaven.
From there, you can see all, and so much more understand.
To be ready to do this game, first accept that everything you met in the woods, valleys, meadows, you don't need any more, because it had its time and because in Heaven the path is different. In Heaven everything is different.
This game can help you to live abandoned.
Remember that this is a choice and, like all the choices, can invoke reasons to experience it.
If you feel that it is not easy to live, think it can become so, if you merge your hand to Mine, if you follow your Soul joyfully, if you put your Soul before everything.
Remember that in Heaven you can't bring anything of your known, nothing of your personality, nothing of your habits.
Detaching from the past, give much more space to your past Essence, and you will manifest all your Essence.
Detaching from all the knowledge of the mind, you will find the knowledge of the Soul.
By doing this, you will detach from the world, whilst walking in the world, while loving it, to live with the knowledge of your Soul, and let her free in Heaven."


You know I always look above, because that's where I want to get, so I choose to make this game.


"With this determination you can do this game serenely, you can be ready to bring your feet in Heaven, with the excitement of discovering you're Daughter of Heaven, that your Home is Heaven, that your place is there.
From there, you can turn your gaze to those who walk on the Earth with a new compassion, understanding, patience, with a new detachment.
From there, you can watch your personality remain grounded, and so feel you are pure Essence. "


I want to follow my Soul, can you give me a help?


"Imagine you're climbing on a mountain that you don't know, which has no trails, but there is a long golden thread that connects the peak to valley. If you follow that thread you won’t get lost, and you will eventually come to the peak.
In the morning, imagine this thread that unites your Soul to the great Light, listen to your Soul and allow It to follow this golden thread.
Then, see another thread that connects your heart to Mine, and feel that I will support you with Love while you follow the Soul
Be careful to always keep your eyes on these threads, because just a little and you lose their sight and get lost. This can happen even looking around, or the valley. And then it is not easy to find them ...
Don’t listen only to the heart but with the heart listen to and follow the Soul. It chose the Light.
Every morning, when you imagine that thread, repeat the promise to let the Soul free to follow that thread.
And don't think that you haven't learned the language of the Soul yet.
The Soul already manifests in your heart, although you now seems not to hear it. More and more you'll hone to hear its language.
Live with your heart wide open to Love, hold your gaze on these threads, in Heaven.
Never stop in this climb towards the luminous reunion between Soul and Light.
Living in the world and living all in the light of the Soul, looking at where you can lay your feet, without removing your eyes from the Light, requires a great balance.
It is easy to live detached from the ground, from the everyday, far from everything and everyone, and be as you say 'spiritual'.
It is not easy to live responsibly with the feet well laid on the ground, bring attention to the body, put the Soul in everything and always keep your eyes to Heaven. But this is really being spiritual.
Take My hand, and ask Me to help you with this.
So you can feel strong and ready to live everything that can bring you to this great balance."


I no longer feel the desire to attend courses to learn new things, or read, as I used to do long ago ...


"You are re contacting your Soul, you're allowing Me to act in you, you are feeling that the place where you are, is the right path for you, that what you're doing is good for you.
Be serene, what matters is discovering more and more your Essence, and let it free so that it can follow the Soul.
What matters is to leave your hand in Mine and let Me accompany and help you.
This is the simplest way, it is not the easiest, but it is the Great Way.
Many hearts know and look for many things but are afraid to know themselves and to follow the Soul.
Choosing to know ourselves and follow the Soul first of all, requires much force and a great courage, because you don't know what the Soul has chosen to live or not to live.
Continue to follow your Soul, abandoned in My arms, and allow Me to take you in My arms.
Serenely lighten more and more your heart, always purify your body.
Give Me your hand, and follow your Soul as a lover, rejoicing, smiling, and so you’ll know the Love you are looking for, you will live with peace in your heart."

“… As a little girl I take you by the hand, taking you where you want to go.
It may happen that, even though there is the sun, you feel in the middle of a storm, in the dark, and so sometimes lose your trail.
Gently, I'll help you to discover the sun forever again, and continue on the path chosen by your Soul."

“… What I suggest to you, what I sometimes tell you to do, remember that it is only to help you realize the design of your Soul, and live in joy, with peace in your heart.
If something seems difficult, or do you feel it difficult, painful, recalls that it is for your own good, it's just what your Soul chose to live, to reach the top, to conquer an unimaginable immensity."

“… My words can be totally simple, the awareness can seem clear, but the more you grow, the more you will understand its deep meaning.
And even if it seems you have completely understood an awareness, and have it deposited in your heart, it will be your only when you are able to experience it many times, in different situations.
This is because Our words contain many meanings.
This is because what you've experienced or you are living can be a help to understanding them, but often an impediment too."

Dear Luminous Soul, these messages also express my experience at the beginning of the Journey of growth.
Of course I have continuous confirmations of this.
Often, what seemed difficult to live every day, in every situation, wasn't that bad.
What seemed easier, or a fun game, actually required more attention, perseverance and commitment.
But all I managed to do and live with the help of the Angels.
With the purpose of reminding us that life is actually a great game, that everything we do we can turn in to a game, Angels call 'games' all the little meditations, views they provide to us, expressions that they suggest to say, either in the heart or aloud.

They tell us:

“... We too, took by hand to play with you ...
We know every game we donate to you, you can totally know it only after you did it.
Then, play with Me in joy, simplicity, trust.
Each time the game changes, I will teach you the rules of the game so you can play again.
It doesn't matter if you haven't learned any game: just play as a joyful, carefree girl."

“… Play the games that I give to you with your heart of little girl, with distant mind, with joy.
Play these games a lot, so much they can help you to learn, to grow up fast, to live in serenity and peace.
And so, going to school, living daily life, living life, they will become nothing but a game that lightens the heart and brings joy.
When you can, play these games in Nature, because it contains a lot of wisdom, ancient wisdoms too."


How can I learn Humility?


"Feel a little girl that should learn everything, knowing that it is essential to learn the Humility to acknowledge that no one knows, feeling that there is always a need to learn.
The child is simple and does not impose herself, while the ‘self’ does, and always wants to speak ...
With Me you can learn the Humility you desire, the Humility needed in your path.
Feel just a little girl at school, and in everything you do, you can say:
– I feel that now I'm learning how to behave myself in this thing, in this situation.
All life is a great school, where knowledge learned before from the world, can no longer have space, because all the space is necessary for the knowledge of the Soul.
When you speak, speak as when learning to speak, so you will learn the language of Humility, you will learn to communicate with Humility.
When you do something, feel that you are learning to do that something so you will do everything with Humility.
When you help, feel that you're doing it to learn the art of helping.
When you give, feel that you're training to donate to learn the art of giving.
When you receive something, feel that you are learning the art of receiving.
And both donating that receiving, should always be wrapped with Humility.
And so be in all respects.
Understand now that all this will require a lot of attention and a big commitment, but will give you a lot.
Attention and commitment must be uninterrupted, in small and big things. So that your 'self' can't have even a small space.
Remember that the mind can never understand that when you offer help, those who receive your help are teaching you the art of helping, and therefore must be seen as teachers who are teaching this art. But your heart does, and it will feel how this is real.
And so it is when you give: the person who receives is teaching you the art of giving.
I repeat, the mind cannot understand all this, but if you're a child in a special school, a school of Light, you’ll feel that it is so.
Living, remembering this, you'll always be grateful to anyone who helps you learn all this, who, in fact, is a means for this.
And, as usual, I'll be there, next to you, to help you, to support you with My Love.
Observe that the 'self' is a fortified castle that looks untouchable, yet it is actually a paper castle that with one drop of Light, a gust of wind of Light, tumbles down.
See its illusion, its fragility. Look where it leads, how much pain it creates, how it turns all the situations difficult, even the simplest ones.
And then look at the Essence of the child, as he always creates opportunities to play, when he lives all the situations as if they were a game.
Feel that expressing the child makes you free, makes you learn what really counts, makes you live life as we all should.
And baby makes everything simply, with Humility.
This Simplicity, this Humility, will take you to radiate light, living in joy, in peace."


It’s not simple to understand when I must accept one thing with Humility, or struggle with pride.


"Now merge, in your heart, the meaning of the word 'fight' to the meaning of the word 'surrender'.
I don't say merge these words, which would stay the same, I say merge into your heart their meaning which includes the action and the full expression.
Perhaps many battles will be needed, especially to dissolve the 'self', the personality, which tarnish the Soul, tarnish the heart.
But your Soul have probably chosen many battles also to confirm your achievements, to seal your victories.
For this feel always ready to live the battles you meet. Rejoice in them, because you confirm your achievements, you seal your victories, you show your Light.
And feel Me continuously beside you.
That's how you'll feel a warrior of Light, always ready to do anything.
There may be a chance that something happens where you can't fight, where only giving up is required. Humility is required there and say:
– I can no longer go beyond –.
And there you give your ‘weapons’ to Me, ask for My weapons, get on My arms, let the Light and My Love wrap you.”

“And here's that Humility becomes essential to dissolve the 'self' and all parts of the personality that keep you away from your Essence, that keep you away from the Humility that always accompanies Light and Love.
Then, remove the 'self' that always wants to assert itself.
This is surrendering and entrusting oneself to Light.
This is accepting the history, events, which still remain unknown in the design of our Soul, recalling that the project of the Soul leads to become bright, to rise, to win.
Many things for the 'self' are losses, while everything for the Soul is a victory if we live as victories even the apparent losses.
To learn the art of surrender you must train yourself to surrender to many parts of your 'self', of your personality.
This does not mean being dominate by these parts, but accepting their existence then surrender to this reality.
It is not easy to understand how you have to win on these parts by surrendering, but it is so: by surrendering to these parts they are accepted with Love, Humility, and so, then, you act with Love and Humility to win over them.
If you'd like to make this, with Humility say:
– I want to loosen my ‘self’ up, I choose to dissolve what strengthens it, what makes it live –.
And total Humility is required here, but also struggling with determination to dissolve these parts.
Surrendering to our history, to our Soul, to our project, sometimes incomprehensible.
It is surrendering to be completely different from how we thought to be, have to be, can be, as we desired to be, to love ourselves as we are.
And in this breakup the true flowers emerge, the most beautiful flowers that everyone has in the heart, that everyone has received from the Past Lives, that everyone has in the Soul.
Here total Humility is required, to be very vigilant, because this 'surrender' is required, because this battle is continually requested, because the melting is a process that continues.
Only when we are careful, vigilant, in every moment, in every situation, in every action, in every expression, we can understand everything, that we act where it is necessary, we give up where this is required, and we are able to smile at everything.
The 'self' does not die, it is always ready to return to life, to be felt as indispensable. Only by not giving more food to the 'self', this remains aloof, and if we don’t give it space it can no longer emerge.
Be careful and always humble in living your story.
Be equally attentive to those who bring up a great Humility, but are not humble.
But if you are alert, you will easily see the difference between the true Humility and the Humility that hides a great and strong ‘self’.”


Why humility is so essential in the Journey of Growth?


"Humility is required to recognize all the parts to be transformed, to recognize all the wounds to heal, to recognize anything to be removed, to understand what we must let go.
Humility is essential to light all, and to know how to ask for help in order to do all this.
Humility is needed to recognize and accept our fragility, and become strong, because after recognizing our weaknesses we become true warriors of Light, invincible.
Humility is indispensable to recognize our fears, and then discover the great strength and great courage of Soul.
We need Humility when we boldly remove the masks created to protect ourselves, feeling that, in fact, they impede the true expression of our Essence.
Humility makes us dig in the ground with our hands, in the mud, to find our treasures.
Humility makes us reach out to allow for another hand to help, and so allow Us to take both hands.
Humility leads to ask for help serenely, in order to know how to help because if you accept aid humbly, then you will be able to give it humbly.
Humility is essential to allow all flow around, to live abandoned.
Humility is indispensable in the struggles, battles, conquests, in victories.
If you live the school of life with Humility, with Humility you will always feel a student in a school. So you’ll become a great teacher, remaining however always a student.
This is the way of Light that teaches Humility.
This is the Humility that the Path of Light requires.
Live with Humility your greatness and you’ll be great.
Live your life with Humility and you will receive all from life.
Live with Humility your Essence and you will manifest your greatness, your Light.
Give things and yourself with Humility, so you'll get everything, you’ll become a gift of Love.
Humbly Walk in your Luminous Trail, and you will live the project of your Soul, you’ll get to your destination.
With Humility and simplicity, help, accompany, awaken, learn, teach, and be a Luminous Soul who gives Light, Love, who lives in the Light, in Love. And so you will live the greatest choice, being at the service of Light, Love, Humility, with Simplicity. "


With this Humility can I help my partner too?


You feel that he has your same frailty, you have already recognised it, while he is afraid to recognise it.
This is because he fears to dip down in the Light of the Path chosen, fears to dive to the bottom of Our sea.
If he accepts his frailties, he will recognize many beautiful parts of himself, he will rediscover what he needs to transform, but also his Essence.
When, with courage, we accept the parts to be transformed, we give room for parts that make us bright, we manifest our Essence.
Share with him your fears to discover parts of yourself that you don't like, to accept your weakness.
Tell him that the beautiful things happening in you and the beautiful things you received, are the result of the fact that you recognised and accepted everything.
Be aware that people must remove their robes, must leave their protective masks, must dig into the ground with their hands to find the treasures.
Then sharing is a big help, but help stops there, if you are not required anything else.
Now you're realizing that there is no reason to be afraid of removing the garments which prevent our ‘precious’ garments to get out, now that you feel the change that is happening to you for what you have agreed, you have chosen to transform, you can understand that only by doing this we can hear the voice of the Soul, which calls, inviting, which pushes the expression of our Essence.
Share with Love, Humility, Simplicity, and then continue your walk proudly, confidently continue your healing, transformation, and serene follow your Soul that is pushing you toward a new reality.
So you can always reach out to him, as I reach out to you, sure we will tend always to him, if this he will ask.
You can now see how all wounds can be transformed into experiences to help, all suffering can be transformed into joys to donate, then all the steps taken may become safeties to be infused.
In your going be firm, decisive, confident, and very humble, simple, loving.
So you will express your whole Essence, and if he recognises with Humility your steps, your achievements, he will understand that your aids are great gifts, as you received gifts by those who are helping you.
That's why, again, firmness, safety, strength, certainty are needed.
So, as you humbly accepted aid, now you will be able to humbly help, leaving others always totally free.
Remember that anyone who does not accept to go to school, cannot become a master of Light.
This is the Way of Light that teaches life: the real Way does not teach words.
Tell him that We love him with his fears that he tries to hide to himself, because for Us you are all kids who play life, and with joy, we help you become children who know how to live by playing."


What is living in a simple way?


"Real Simplicity is the simplicity of the Soul, the Simplicity of heart.
A person can live on bread alone, own one dress, speak of Humility, Simplicity, but be far from Humility, Simplicity.
A person can have precious garments, can have many things, and be simple, humble.
Simplicity is at the heart, in the Soul, and only with the heart, the Soul, must be lived.
It is being detached from things: If these are there, you are happy and grateful to have them, with joy you taste them totally.
If there aren’t, you are happy and grateful too, and smiling anyway.
Simplicity is knowing how to enjoy either bread or refined food.
Simplicity is feeding Soul first of all.
Simplicity is having a heart really humble, candid.
It is being detached from the world, while walking in the world.
It is being able to enjoy the birdsong, the morning breeze, the stars, the earth, the sun.
It is knowing how to listen in silence, and enjoying the music of nature.
It is being alone and never feeling alone.
Simplicity is communicating great things with the simple language of children, with the language of the heart and Soul.
Simplicity is knowing how to be kids, living like children. "


Luminous Soul,

surely you've noted how in the world Humility and Simplicity are not always appreciated, and only few times people give them the great value that they actually have.
Frequently Humility and Simplicity are mingled with other things totally different.
Often there is a fear of experiencing them, though in the heart they are appreciated, because they are very far from what society considers important, vital, valuable.
Sometimes, when we express them, someone tries to overwhelm us, and so it seems to us that, to survive and defend ourselves in the environment in which we live, we can’t express them.
In part this is true, but if we have the courage to live them happily, with a smile, without taking care of the advantages or disadvantages, but only with the joy of being able to live as we feel right for us, we can be always humble, with anyone, we can live with simplicity anywhere.
This is because Humility does not preclude pride and Simplicity is mainly in the heart, in our intimate.
The true Humility, the real Simplicity, are great achievements that require a lot of force. They are victories on our ego, on our personality, which require great will, perseverance, tenacity, and courage.
The expression of Humility and Simplicity, requires a balance not easy to reach, if we choose to walk in the world leaving our Soul free, respecting the freedom and choices of others.
It would be much easier to live in Simplicity and Humility, to walk a Trail of Light, retreating from the world.
Living in the world and always leaving our Souls free, requires a continuous choice, constant attention, the warriors’ daring to let go all that seemingly gives benefits, security, prestige and power.
But the great achievement is to walk free in the world, as Luminous Souls, following only the call of the Soul, feeling that we don’t belong to this world.
Always in the awakening and along the way of Growth, there is the danger of giving space to our ego, giving it a spiritual expression.
The ego makes us feel 'awakened', see others 'asleep’, makes us feel better than those who are next to us, makes us believe to know the reality, to hold the truth.
The ego can become even larger, making us feel important, when we give our awareness, our experiences, our aid, to those we meet, if we don't do this with Humility and Simplicity.
All this because the ego is getting smarter, and to remain, it also hides behind Love intents, help actions, expressions of Light.
That is why, in the Way of growth, it is essential to accompany every expression of our Essence, every action, every help, every gift, with deep and constant Humility, with total Simplicity.

Author: Satya

Extract from the book: I am beside you

In addition to these books we have published 22 small-ebook:

Author's Bio: 

Satya is a holistic therapist and counselor who has operated for many years in Italy.
Moreover, Satya is Reiki Master and channeler for more than 22 years and made channeling and Reiki courses in a lot of parts of Italy.
Has accompanied most people in a Path of personal and spiritual growth.
For more than 20 years, is accompanying a group in a Path of growth.
From some years, has chosen to live a simple and retired life in African continent to continue the Journey of Life towards themselves and to prepare themselves for a New.
Satya has chosen the pseudonym so that each can feel her only as a Soul in Walk.
The messages donated by the Angels have changed her life and helped many people.
Furthermore, can accompany in a Path of awareness, growth and evolution.
For this Satya feels as her 'task' to divulge these messages.