Lately, my heart has been uplifted by the joy and hope that is so strongly felt by everyone during the holiday season. Part of the Christmas celebration is to renew our faith in the light that naturally shines through each one of us. The deeper message of the season is that we can experience a rebirth from our physical or matter-bound existence and embrace the limitless nature of our own soul. It is the time of year that we recognize each of us carries an individual spark of divine creation. To understand and practice our unlimited potential to love brings us closer to the Creator’s idea of us.

When I studied with the Oneness University spiritual guides in India and Fiji, I learned that once we clearly tune into God, we are open channels for grace. We become huge pipelines for unlimited and unconditional love and are walking, living, physical manifestations of this energy. We are able to uplift others by expressing grace with our natural gifts. As long as we have an open heart, our presence becomes a blessing and our participation in any activity uplifts others into a higher stream of conscious awareness.

Last week, I found a wonderful way to practice this idea. I competed at the Holiday Ball Classic in Las Vegas, a ballroom dance competition with my dance partner Blake Kish, from Fred Astaire Studio in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. The mornings we competed, I remembered to ask for grace, and I aligned with the universe. I asked that our every movement express grace and joy so that we could uplift others. We placed in nearly all of our categories, received many compliments, and had a great time. Dance and creative movement is a vibratory form of love that people respond to. And when we marry this expression with our own joy, well… our light becomes stunningly bright. Life then seems easier, and more enjoyable. We have fun. We slide through the tough pages of life with greater ease and acceptance and take others along for the positive ride.

Remember your own unique, glimmering, Christmas light this holiday season. Turn up the volume, and express joy and love in whatever form makes sense to you. Remember the ability to bless others is naturally within you. Whatever you do, do it with gusto. Bake, cook, walk the dog, visit with friends, laugh, eat, pray, and don’t forget to dance. Your presence will be a blessing.
I wish you much love and the very best in the New Year!


Author's Bio: 

This article was written by Charlene M. Proctor, Ph.D., the Official Guide to Positive Thinking. Dr. Charlene M. Proctor is the founder of The Goddess Network, Inc. an on-line educational resource for topics on spirituality, relationships, and women's studies. Author of Let Your Goddess Grow! she is a researcher and educator in the field of women's empowerment and develops self-empowerment strategies for women in all walks of life. She is a subject matter expert for, the world's largest self-help and personal growth website. Her affirmations from The Women's Book of Empowerment reach 2.7 million web visitors daily. She currently facilitates the PATH to Empowerment program for Lighthouse Path in Michigan, a residential women's shelter for homeless mothers, teaching them how to cope with life and increase self-esteem and confidence. To learn more, visit