You want success in whatever you choose to do, and the secret of success is to adopt principles which enable you to be successful.
The old adage says that all roads lead to Rome, and it's indeed true. But it's generally not explained that some roads are more direct than others, they'll get you there faster. If you are short of time, stop wasting time on the tortuous route. You'll change your life by becoming more effective.
How to Change your Life
Okay, you say: But how? I'm trying to be as effective as I know. This secret of success will get you to wherever you want to be:
- Do what works for you to achieve whatever you seek to be, do, or have.
- Do NOT do what doesn't work to get you there.
This sounds so simple and you're right, it is indeed simple. It's so simple that you might be tempted to think it's too simple. Why? Because your self sabotage mechanism will try to give you that thought. Don't buy it, why should something simple not be effective? There's no reason, even though it might try and think up one. In which case, remember that to rationalize is to tell rational lies!
Your Job is to Decide what Works
It's up to you to ascertain what does work in practice, and then do it. This is not telling you what to do, it's telling you to do what works, whatever that is. There's an enormous difference! Yet it's amazing how few follow this simple strategy.
One problem is that many think simple means easy. But simple does not mean easy, nor does it mean difficult. Some simple things are easy, and some are very difficult. There's just no correlation. if you're not fully convinced, you can change your life by checking out the self sabotage /stop smoking page on the Life Strategies website.
But Does This Actually Work?
Are you not convinced this strategy works, despite its obvious truth? Then focus on the second part not the first. If what you're doing is not working for you, then you need to look at the alternatives. To work harder, to do it some other way, or to do something else.
These options may seem obvious. Yet though most people know they want more peace, love, calm and joy in their lives, how many actually do what achieves these results! You know exactly what this secret of success means if you've ever had an argument with a loved one when all you really wanted was to embrace, love and cuddle.
If you don't know what does work and what doesn't, this suggests you haven't yet decided what you really want in life. So invest some major time and effort in finding out what you really want! Without it, you're unlikely to achieve it!
© Copyright worldwide Cris Baker, All rights reserved. Republishing welcomed under Creative Commons noncommercial no derivatives license preserving all links intact, so please +1 and share this widely!
Food for Thought
"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there."
- Lewis Carroll (1832-1898), Oxford University Lecturer, mathematician, author of Alice in Wonderland
Cris Baker has much practice in overcoming adversity, he's been screwing things up for years! Why suffer the consequences of your own mistakes? Now you can benefit from real knowledge, crucial know-how gained from his vast experience with extensive pain and suffering!
You'll find enormous joy in overcoming your self sabotage; check out the secrets of success at Life Strategies, learn to do what works and discover how to change your life!
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