A Course in Weight Loss: 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever by Marianne Williamson
An Official Hay House Book Review
By: William Constantine
Typically, I am excited when a new book from Hay House comes for me to review; however, when I received Marianne Williamson's “A Course in Weight Loss”, I was less than enthusiastic.
Now, I have all the reason in the world to want to shed a few extra pounds, but the last I checked reading about weight loss didn't drop the pounds. Unless, of course, the rest of the world and myself were totally in the dark about this weight loss miracle – and we were!
After about a week of delaying and deliberately ignoring the lush green hardback on my bookshelf – I picked it up and for the first time actually started reading it. Now, this is entirely unusual for me, as I typically read a few pages on receipt of getting a new book to review out of pure excitement – this book, as I said, was the exception.
Much to my surprise, it wasn't a book about how to loose weight; diet, exercise, etc. Instead, it was a book on how to reprogram your sub-conscious and conscious mind in the area of weight loss. Now, this book had captured my attention.
Like most people, I had tried diet after diet; high carb, low carb, no carb, no sugar, this one or that one but nothing seemed to work.
Because I hadn't changed the way I thought about food or weight loss. Even as an expert in Consciousness and Awareness field I had no desire to use “reprogramming” techniques when it came to weight loss. Nor, had I thought related the Law of Attraction to weight loss – instead, I just ignored the entire thing all together.
“I'll take a number 6, large, with a Dr. Pepper, please!”
I always tend to order the biggest thing on the menu and as if that wasn't good enough, I made sure it was super-sized.
I have helped countless people transform their lives, but was this the one area that I didn't want to transform for myself? God knows, the Law of Attraction was providing me based on my negative thoughts regarding weight loss and constant complaining about needing to loose weight, but never doing it the exact thing I didn't want – weight gain!
Yeah, by this point, my stomach looked like I was about ready to give birth to a healthy baby. But, in case you didn't notice, I am a man and well that was the furthest thing from the case. In fact, I would joke around and say, “I'm in the running to be the next Santa Clause.”
Yet, the truth is, I was very unhappy with my weight and I knew it was unhealthy. I had taken one of those online BMI assessments and it claimed that I was Obese – we all know how unhealthy that was. Yet, my relationship with food was more like a marriage, but in honesty I didn't eat much.
I was, however, over-eating every time I ate – pasta and pizza were my weaknesses.
Within “A Course in Weight Loss”, Marianne takes you through a step by step reprogramming and doesn't bash food or you for being over weight. In fact, she encourages you to establish a healthy “love affair” with food – not that difficult as I already had multiple midnight rendezvous.
I don't really want to reveal the science or miracle of the book, but it was definitely life changing for me as I have lost 10 lbs since I started the book. The vast majority of that weight loss was due to my new understanding of the body, mind, spirit connection with the sub-conscious and conscious mind as it relates to weight loss, relationships, etc.
I'm not saying that everyone should rush to the store and buy a copy because anything you attain in life first starts with the desire and vision to do so. You have to be hungry enough to want to change, are you?
I can tell you, I wasn't prior to reading the book. I was perfectly happy moaning about my man-boobs and pregnant stomach, but deep down, I knew I was truly unhappy.
So, I did a life overhaul and combined with Marianne's book and the “Eat this Not That” series (which has no affiliation with Hay House or Marianne) the weight has begun to melt away – mentally, spiritually, and physically.
If you have struggled with weight, diet and exercise and are standing on the edge of giving up and surrendering to food – I recommend that you pick up Marianne's book. I believe it will at least help you understand your relationship with food and may ultimately help you get rid of that spare tire.
Even, if you aren't looking to loose weight – I still suggest you read this book.
You can purchase the book here .
William Constantine is a currently pursuing his Doctorate in Metaphysics and has always been in service helping others heal beyond grief or transform their life in other ways. He has overcome a life fraught with experiences deemed negative; physical, emotional, sexual abuse, homelessness, etc. He has been a featured Keynote and many Mind, Body, Spirit themed expos. He has appeared on numerous radio, TV and print media outlets.
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