In the April 28 ezine issue of Get What You Want, we explored the challenges of feeling (and releasing) need.

Here’s a quick reprint in order to facilitate discussion around it, as well as expanded coverage about why some people seem to manifest better when they get desperate:

From a law of attraction perspective, you know what it means to need something really bad, right?

In case you haven’t already figured it out through personal experience, it basically means you’re S.O.L. (as my dear mom would say).

Because the more you need something, the more you’re sure not to get it.

That’s due to that little “like attracts like” principle ruling our Universe. When you’re flowing the feeling of Need, all you can attract are results that reinforce that feeling. Which means feelings like Satisfaction, Fulfillment and Relief are far far away.

All you get is more “Need.”

So what does an LOA savvy creator do when they find themselves needing something bad, whether it’s $650 by Friday, good test results, a green light, this dress to fit, or whatever else you may be feeling desperately needy about?

Here are a few tips to help unload the Need so you can finally get what you want:

1) Take a deep breath. Seriously, just a good dose of oxygen will help recalibrate your vibe and start to shake up that “need” feeling you’ve been entertaining.

2) Remember what matters. Repositioning to a higher perspective can help release the need. Like, when I feel needy that my sweetheart understand how wrong he is - once I’m aware I’m in the grip of Need, I remind myself what really matters: Everyone’s here (dogs and cats all accounted for), everyone’s healthy, and there’s chocolate in the cupboard. Relief!

3) Question the thought. Very often we scare ourselves about consequences that aren’t real, aren’t likely, or aren’t actually as bad as we thought.

Byron Katie’s Work can be helpful when we’re believing something that causes negative feelings. Is it true? Can you know that it’s true? How does that thought make you feel? How would you feel if you couldn’t think that thought? And then a golden turnaround. There’s never been a time these questions haven’t offered me at least SOME relief.

4) Satisfy the need now. How would you feel when you get this thing/person you need? Find a way to feel that way now. That takes this thing (or person) off the hook for making you feel better and also puts you in immediate vibrational alignment.

It’s from that place of alignment (and no longer needing it in order to feel better) that lets it manifest in your experience.

So, this is all well and good, but how do we explain those people who report consistently getting what they want only after they reach their darkest hour?

You know who I’m talking about, right? Maybe you’ve even experienced it yourself … like when you’re down to your last nickel and your intention for $1,000 finally makes its appearance in reality. Or maybe when you’re on the verge of getting evicted that you finally manifest the job you’ve been after for months.

How is it that sometimes it seems like getting especially desperate is what makes the Universe give in?
A variety of things could be at work here. I think sometimes this situation has to do with the “set points” we each hold as to how good and how bad we’re willing to let it get. Some of us tolerate more struggle than others, but once we hit that trigger point, we bounce back from it.

Or sometimes it’s that once things look especially bleak, we throw in the towel which releases the last of the resistance we were flowing. Which opens the door for good news from the Universe.

I’ve personally experienced it where getting to that point is what makes me put my foot down once and for all - inspiring a sort of demanding, authoritative tone with Universe which seems to generate results, too.

And, if I’ve learned anything by now, it’s that YOU ALL have insightful perspectives to the best questions! So I’m opening it up for comments … what are your thoughts and experiences when it comes to Need and Successful Manifesting?

Would love to hear from you!

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