The few reasons why men need to tend to the largest organ on there bodies. There skin is for the others in their lives. Hell when you look great you exude greatness, very attractive.
For example on of the things that we are attracted to in the male is there masculinity but you (men) hear it completely different then we intend. There is no way we want to be close with you if you have ruff scaly skin every where, deep pits on your face and five year old dirt still stuck in the pores of your nose. Something about a rugged man is defiantly attractive but that doesn¡¦t mean unclean, smell of salt water and unwashed clothes still wrinkled form the bedroom floor they were picked off of. Rugged mean¡¦s strong, and man who will embrace you and keep harm out of our precious little life. Not aged thick skin, and scruffy heals.
So to give translation on how men perceive the complex signals of the female vocabulary we have surveyed various women in San Diego, and developed a simple monthly regime.
You must always clean your face, or rinse away what the day has piled up for you. Keep those pores clean and there for they will stay small, the more you tend to your face the less opportunity for you to have irreconcilable differences in the future.
i.e. sun damage, large pores, adult acne, wrinkles!
-Spa-MD ultra gentle cleanser
-Neutrogena oil free liquid cleanser
Since you have grown so accustom to the forever-embedded ritual of shave then after-shave we would like to bring you back up to speed for the 21st century. Use as toner this is not for your computer, but a pore restricting liquid that also contains a glycolic acid that helps to microscopically exfoliate your skin, this is were it is. By applying this after you cleanse your face you reduce the pore size therefore limiting any environmental pollution from entering your face and fertilizing a breeding ground for bacteria. Use
- Spa-MD Rejuvenating toner.
- Neutrogena Pore reducing toner
Ending with the single most important ingredient to face regiment cocktail is a broad spectrum-sun screen, this means it blocks out the different types of UVA and UVB rays. SPF no lighter that 30, the percentage only is a indicator for how long you should wear it before reapplication so to avoid having to continuously reapply use a higher SPF. You are applying a thin layer between your face and our environment, without this last ingredient you may as well not even make a drink capiche¡¦.
- Spa-MD oil free broad spectrum-Titanium SPF 30 sunscreen.
-Ocean Potion anti-ageing SPF50 sunscreen.

So lets do a quick recap on lessons learned. Today you must go out and get yourself a cleanser I recommend Spa-MD ultra gentle cleanser smells great, none irritating, and has a good price point you wont have to take an overdraft hit for this one. Second Toner with a glycolic again it is microscopically exfoliating less work for you. Third Broad-spectrum sunscreen no less than 30 SPF this is the best anti-ageing accessory.
Keep it simple but also set aside time to indulge in the expertise of a licensed professional. If and when you are prepared to venture into a Spa it would be safe to receive a microdermabration facial, a deep pore reducing facial, or back facial I know you can¡¦t see this area of your body but it is a good recommendation to every once in a while clean areas hard to reach ƒº
So guys here you have it. Brianne showed you how to keep it simple, and consistency will bring the dramatic results. Set aside time to indulge in the expertise of a licensed professional like Brianne.

Brianne and Chris Snook

Author's Bio: 


Brianne Snook has spent the past decade living and working in the beauty and fitness arenas. Whether competing in triathlons or fitness competitions such as Women¡¦s Tri Fitness, Fitness Universe, Ms. Fitness and Galaxy Nova or working as a certified NASM and Gravity fitness coach, nutritionist, exercise instructor, lifeguard and esthetician, Brianne¡¦s done it all. As co-founder of de»fine she is showing San Diego a fresh approach to personal and professional health, wealth and success.

Brianne and Chris have together tackled both the entrepreneurial and fitness worlds, receiving notoriety and praise from business leaders and civic organizations along the way. As experts on topics ranging from fitness and weight loss to building a successful sales force, the husband and wife team have been published in numerous magazines and periodicals around the country. The two co-authored the best-selling book ¡§Personal Trainer¡¦s Burnout: How to Transform Frustration to Fortune,¡¨ and recently filmed fitness segments for ABC¡¦s 10/4 San Diego and NBC San Diego¡¦s Morning News.

Beauty, brains and brawn in one package, Brianne is not only a savvy business woman and entrepreneur, she is a sought-after model and spokeswomen currently representing La Jolla Spa-MD, Laura Gambucci, Glidia K, BOSU Fitness and Via Viente. She recently completed a modeling contract for the BOSU Ballast Ball® ad campaign and is currently the model on the box front for the BOSU Balance Trainer sold in Target and other national retail outlets.

Brianne is a current member of the Fit Dream Team, a nationally recognized inspirational fitness group that encourages all women to ¡§live life for the health of it¡¨. Fitness and personal growth have been her cornerstones, giving her the self-confidence to continually follow her dreams. Through Define and her many other endeavors, she hopes to encourage people to live their full potential, no matter what their dreams may be.