Doctors everywhere agree that what the world needs is more laughter. There’s enough stress n the world and it doesn’t seem to be letting up. The answer? Learn how to handle the stress.

How do you do that? Eat right, get enough rest, exercise, be more positive and laugh. Yes, I said laugh. People that have a great sense of humor are usually less sick, and a heck of a lot more fun to be around.

Who wants to spend time with a grouch? Or someone who is always down in the mouth and unhappy? We don’t want to work around people like that, we don’t want to live with people like that, and we don’t want to be people like that.

You have troubles? Sure you do along with the billions of the rest of us. Life is not perfect, but it can be a ball. It’s all in how we look at things. Humor is everywhere these days, we just have to recognize it.

I live in the great state of Tennessee. We don’t have to look for to see funny stuff and funny people. In fact it wasn’t long ago that one of our dear citizens was stressed out and had it up to his neck with car trouble. In the morning rush hour his horseless carriage broke down again.

He managed to get it off the road and then calmly got out, walked back to the trunk and opened it, removed an automatic weapon, stood back a few feet and started blowing holes in his car. People were calling the radio station saying, “Hey, you ain’t gonna believe this! There’s a man out here shooting his car!”

Haven’t we all had a car like that at one time or the other? If Henry Ford came back today, we’d probably kill him again, But this man found a release, even though an extreme one, and you had to laugh. I don’t think the cops were laughing when they showed up.

Think about the opportunity there. He could advertise as a hit man for old cars that give trouble. In fact, not far out of Nashville I heard of a farm where you can take your computer, set it up on blocks out in the field and then take a shotgun and blow it to never never land.

I have a computer that I have threatened to drop out of a third story window. I think instead, I will take it to the farm and make like John Wayne.

Humor is everywhere folks. Learn to laugh about things. If you watch the news 24/7 you will have a hard time doing that. Stay abreast of the news, but then turn it off and laugh a little. In fact, laugh a lot. Abraham Lincoln said, “You can be as happy as you want to be.”

In fact I think that’s what he said. If not he certainly should have. Look at the lighter side and enjoy life. It’s wonderful!

Author's Bio: 

Nate Coker is a broadcast veteran who turned from serious news to humor. Here’s a way to laugh more: