You are probably aware that your surroundings can influence how you feel. For example, if everything around you is a chaotic mess, that will probably affect your emotions.

For that reason, your home needs to be a peaceful retreat. However, if it's stuffed with odds and ends stored all over the place, it will probably take away from the feeling of restfulness that you would like to enjoy in your home. You might be surprised at how good you could feel if your home was nicely organized instead of being disorganized.

No matter how organized your home may already be, you may find some tips in this article that will help you to become even more efficient at keeping clutter away.

Here are five de-clutter tips just for you:

1. If your home is overflowing with storage and you can't find room to put it all away, seriously consider either throwing some stuff out or giving it away.

Have you ever stopped to consider that the more furniture, accessories and just plain stuff that is sitting around, the less room there'll be for you? If excess stuff is surrounding you, it takes away from the restful haven from the world that your home should be.

2. Purchase a collection of storage containers from a local store that specializes in containers or else order them on the internet.

Take the containers home and place excess items in them. Put them in closets of the rooms where these items are usually kept so that they are nearby in case you need to use them.

Invest in colorful containers for your children's rooms, such as plastic crates. Your children's favorite toys, books and other needed items can be stored neatly in these crates. You might also want to purchase shelving units to install in your children's rooms for items your children want to display.

For your home office, office trays are very useful.

3. If you're like the average person, there's an avalanche of junk mail coming into your home on a daily basis. This junk mail can quickly pile up, so don't let it get ahead of you. Instead throw it in the trash right away. You'll need a large waste paper basket near where you sort your mail.

Try not to handle these kinds of papers more than once or you'll be wasting your valuable time.

4. Have fun organizing your prized collectibles.

Enter each room where you display your collectibles and look at all the things you have sitting on tables and other pieces of furniture. The more you have sitting on furniture, the more dusting you'll have to do. Therefore, consider having a rotating exhibit of your collectibles instead of having them all up at once. You can put the collectibles on display or in storage in a nearby closet. Then you can switch your treasures around later on. That way the room where they are will have a fresh new look on a regular basis whenever you change your exhibit.

Discover the benefits of having glass-covered display cases to put your collectibles in so they don't collect as much dust and can be seen more prominently.

Consider buying other pieces of furniture with glass fronts such as hutches, shelves, bookcases and cabinets. That will also cut back on dusting.

5. If you have not yet purchased all the furniture for your home, or if you would like to get new furniture and retire your old pieces, consider buying a few larger pieces instead of a collection of smaller ones. That will give a look of spaciousness to your home.

Imagine how much more relaxed you will feel in a restful home glowing with a feeling of spacious calm instead of confused clutter! It may take a while to get your stuff organized, but it will be well worth it.

Author's Bio: 

Patricia Wagner offers free health tips now so you can enjoy a more energetic lifestyle at .