„When someone dreams alone it´s just a dream.
When a lot of people dream the same dream
it´s the beginning of a new reality...“

Friedensreich Hundertwasser

A common impulse of Ursula Wagner(Austria)
& Wilfried Fink (Germany)

Wouldn´t it be great if there would be a calendar,

...which is a daily reminder of our wonderful qualities of our souls?!

...which connects us to all people of all races and religions?!

...which helps us to be in the rhythm of the universe?!

...which is free of dogmas?!

...which helps us to discover that time is an illusion?!

...which lets us feel the wonder of creation on a daily basis?!

...which recognizes the 13 as a holy principle?!

...which gives us the opportunity to be emissaries of love?!

...which helps us to celebrate every day in our daily lifes?!

You think that is too good to be true?



Have a look at www.UniversalPeaceCalendar and be touched, enchanted and surprised ...

It has started on November 19th.

And YOU can be part of it.

Within the greater rhythm of time this is a point when we can integrate all the wonderful things which came up last year.

And wave by wave you can synchronize with the movement
in which we become aware of our conscious co-creating.

Every 13 days ends a cycle of sowing, germinating, sprouting, budding, blossoming, ripening and bearing fruits before a new wave starts (marked in red).

When a cycle of 20x13 days ends we go again through all AMO-symbols until every one of them is integrated and alive within ourselves.

When you like to have an overview print out AmoTagesenergien1+2 at www.wilfriedfink.de (see FRIEDENSKALENDER, Erläuterungen).

And when you help to spread this calendar it can unite, touch and encourage more and more people. Be an emissary of love!

Until now it´s available in english, netherlands and german.
Please help to translate this calendar into other languages.

The celebration days of all mayor religions and some mundane holidays are marked in different colours so that we can share them with all our sisters and brothers to whatever religion or race they might belong.

And every month a SEAL invites us to explore it on a deeper level. All in all there are 13 seals which are a kind of summarization of different Amo-symbols. You can find all seals and symbols with their complete textes at

The pictures of nature and plants in the background want us to remind that we are leaves of the tree of life as well.

So spread th Universal Peace Calendar to all your networks and enjoy what will happen...

Love from Germany

Wilfried Fink

Author's Bio: 

I´m a homoeopathic doctor, living in Eckernförde (north of Hamburg/Germany)
I´m married and have 3 kids (10, 12 + 16 years old)
The AMO-Symbols were given to me and Ursula Wagner mostly in dreams by psychic children between 2003 and 2007
For the whole story see www.amo-international.net