December is a season for renewal and retrospection. In a world of the internet and downloads computer users are constantly seeking to download software, music, videos, and more. PC Advisor and other leading experts share their insights with lay persons, colleagues and the world at large.

If its PC downloads that you like here is the pick of the lot by PC Advisor.

1. If downloads is what you like you will need a download accelerator. The Download Accelerator Plus is a great downloadable software that will allow you to do several downloads simultaneously and protect the downloads in case of error.

2. Security online and offline is of great concern and free anti-spyware software like Lavasoft’s Adaware SE Personal is great and simple protection from threats lurking online.

3. ZoneAlarm is a great firewall that helps protect your PC from most threats.

4. A media player that is free Windows Media Player 11 is a free download and has Windows Vista preinstalled. It offers great listening pleasure.

5. The Google Pack is acknowledged as the most wanted download. It has a whole bouquet of free tools: Google Earth; 3D Browser; photo organizer; desktop search tool; toolbar; screensavers and more.

6. Stuffit is great if you work with zipped or encoded materials.

7. Adobe Reader facilitates reading of pdf documents and other files.

8. Open Office is useful and is used by many as its free. It is the alternative for people who don’t want to be ensared by Microsoft upgrades.

9. Thunderbird is a great communicator and has security provisions too.

10. Skype is a “hit” worldwide as it allows people to make calls over the internet.

11. Quicktime is popular with those who love videos.

12. Adobe Flash Player is a must for viewing content from mobile and other devices.

13. Vista Desktop Sidebar is great it has a calendar; calculator; media player; and allows RSS feeds on your desk top.

The choice of what is best as far as downloads is concerned may vary according to whether you are a game player, music buff, or just an ordinary person. Before you download any software you need to know what the rules of safe downloading are and what is legally permissible and what is not.

The Worldwide Web is a great knowledge highway and before you take on the mantle of download king try and know what you can and what is off limits. The internet is a great resource for music, movie, games, and other downloads. Downloads must always be done form reputed websites and all efforts made to protect your personal and computer privacy.

Author's Bio: 

Timothy Rudon is a writer for Download Free Softwares, the premier website to find freeware, shareware, free ware downloads, share ware downloads, free software downloads, free anti virus software download and many more.