Creating your own attraction marketing articles is a daunting prospect for many network marketers. While many have the knowledge to write content, it seems when it comes to the crunch, a fear takes over which leads to analysis paralysis.

The truth is, writing attraction marketing training articles is not a big deal at all but if you don't feel comfortable doing it then the short answer is...don't. So how do you get content you can use to educate and train your prospects?

Creating Your Attraction Marketing Content

What’s the solution to this problem? Well, you could give the work to somebody else or to to use the correct term ‘outsource’ to a ghost writer. This is a good method of ensuring articles is unique, but could work out quite expensive when you are first starting your business.

Another solution exists which won’t cost you a fortune and will save you lots of time and effort. This tip comes straight from the training manual on attraction marketing articles and has been used effectively by network marketers time and time again.

How To Find Attraction Marketing Articles

Article directories are a great start when it comes to finding content. Problems arise when everybody starts downloading the same article and publishing them to their website. Over time content will be duplicated and that will create an issue for you especially if you are just starting out.

If your website is relatively new you’re going to stand a low chance of being ranked ahead of a website that has been established for longer and already has a high ranking on the search engines.
What can you do about this? It’s easy. Add some commentary. By adding commentary to the articles you use you actually add your own spin to the article and make it unique.

For example, if your article is about nutrition, and you have used an article from a directory that contains content on a certain area of nutrition don’t simple add it to your website. Add commentary to it. Between 50-100 words should do the trick.

Don't Alter The Message

Avoid changing the structure of the article. That is essential. You only need to read the article and then add your comments to it. Include your thoughts on the opinion of the author or the tips in the article and add these thoughts as an introduction to the article.

Using this method means you are not changing the article itself, but simply adding your own content to it. There, you have just created a unique article for your website.

One final tip...avoid messing with the resource box. This will land you in hot water. It's okay to use these attraction marketing articles but one of the requirements is you leave the resource box intact.

Author's Bio: 

Want to know how to get attraction marketing articles delivered to you for less than 50 cents an article? Cure writer's block forever with attraction marketing training articles and put your lead generation on steroids!