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In a recent survey we conducted around half the people responding did not understand where the passion had disappeared in their relationship, it’s like one day it’s there, then you look round and it’s gone. Many agony aunts and so called experts will give you simplistic answers to this ago old question by telling you out right a list of things you need to ‘DO’ to get it back ! They fail to tell you it’s not all about the other person!
So we hear you ask, where does passion disappear? Interestingly it’s all about ‘polarity’, think of it like this, when you were at school you no doubt played with magnets and as you remember more clearly, you will recall the fundamental that ‘opposites attract! And likes repel! If you realise we are ‘Magnetic’ by our very make up the same rule applies to us humans as the magnets.
Think of it like this, you are created from both masculine and feminine energy, we all are. The key is that men are designed with the primary energy as masculine and the reserve or secondary energy as feminine. Women are designed the exact opposite, in other words, their primary energy is feminine and the secondary, or emergency energy is masculine.
In today’s world we are making choices all the time and we are choosing based on preconceived, stereotypical, ideological perfect intimate relationship theories that simply don’t work for the masses. 20,000 divorces a week in the western world prove we have a BIG challenge going on here. Could it be a simple as we are for the most part, both men a women inadvertently choosing to operate in our secondary or emergency energy every day and could it also be that this puts us out of ‘natures’ kilter and in the end we are repelling each other, both men and women on mass.
In conclusion, if your relationships, present or passed have lost there passion, can you be open to the possibility, that you have learned, unconsciously to spend more time in your secondary energy and thus polarity has been lost with your partner.
Why not take a few moment to watch the video for a simple analogy and if for you this makes sense, feel free to sign up for our weekly ‘Newsdesk Report’ where you will learn new insights each week into what makes the spark and magic disappear from relationships. We promise not to give you quick fit tips and advice that simple don’t work, we will say it as it is, so if you are offended by the bluntness please don’t watch the video.
For those choosing to view, have fun learning… Tony & Nicki Vee
Tony & Nicki are Authors, Speakers, Presenters and ’World Class Coaches’ as well as owners of ‘The Relationship Retreat’ in the foothills of The Alps in Austria. Their work has inspired thousands of singles to find Mr or Mrs Right and couples to rekindle the love they once shared that has been lost over time.
Tony & Nicki’s unique ‘Cut To The Chase’ style inspires and empowers people to take action to get new results, to live and experience all they have been missing out on, many people for years. They have also trained a team of ‘Relationship Coaches’, people who have come to experience a new way to live and love and share their passion for the subject passing on Tony & Nicki’s wisdom and love around the world.
What ever you need, feel free to ask for help, Tony & Nicki will supply all you need, so you can experience the love and passion in your life you deserve.
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