With so many options to choose from, choosing the perfect desktop computer may seem like a difficult task. The good new is that with a little research, it does not have to be. The first step in purchasing is to determine your computing needs. Pricier machines are generally faster, but there are many companies that offer financing options, so these computers may not be as out of reach, in terms of your price range, as you may think.

Everyday user classes of computer use include productivity, i.e. word processing and simple spreadsheets, Internet, i.e. email, and web searching, gaming, digital production, i.e. imaging, 3D rendering, and audio, computationally intensive, i.e. scientific use and statistical analysis, and mobile productivity applications. Determining which of these applications correlate directly with your computing needs is the first step in choosing the right desktop computer. In terms of hardware considerations, you should note portability, expandability, the physical size of the machine, whether or not it contains a single or dual CPU, or central processing unit, whether it contains an IDE or SCSI hard drive, how much available RAM it is bundled with, and other factors.

The hard drive is an especially important consideration, since it is where the operating system, OS, and all of the applications and files are stored. The average user should start with at least a 40 gab hard drive, and should plan on purchasing two hard drives, on for the operating system and related applications and one for video and audio editing. In terms of the monitor, you should plan on purchasing at least a 17 inch, and if you have the budget, possibly a 19 inch or larger, since larger monitors mean better video card quality and, obviously, more of a screen to work with. DPI, or dots per inch, is the measurement of how precisely images are displayed on the screen, and in general, the lower the number of the DPI, the higher the quality of the image. The refresh rate for the monitor, which is measured in Hz, is an indication of how many times a second an image on the screen is recreated.

Taking the above tips in to consideration will help to insure that the desktop computer you purchase is the right one for you, and if the right one for you turns out to be slightly out of your price range, you should consider availing yourself of one of the many financing options available.

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