As a coach, I work with many clients in transition. Some are transitioning to new careers or new environments, others new roles in work/life, and some new ways of being and doing. While changes like this can happen without help, they thrive when we have support.
Support can mean different things to different people and in different circumstances. It can show up as someone to challenge you, hold you accountable, share ideas with, be your cheerleader, focus you, advise you, mentor you and lend an ear when you need it.
For me, support means having like minded friends and colleagues to bounce ideas off of, to help me see what may be right in front of me, to help me focus, to challenge me to consistently stretch out of my comfort zone (yes, I need that too!), and share fun and creative experiences with.
One recent example in my life involved my connection with Chix in Business. We were having our yearly anniversary party with an art auction to benefit the local YWCA. Two of my fellow Chix board members asked if I would donate a painting. My immediate reaction was “no, I can’t do that, I am not an artist”. Well after just a little encouragement and support, I did it! What did that do for me? By stepping out of my comfort zone and allowing my art to be seen by many, it catapulted both my desire to paint and my confidence in doing so. I will be forever grateful to Elizabeth Galecke and Susan Maravetz, my fellow Chix Board Members for their support!
What does support mean for you?
Who in your life right now provides the support you need? We often expect (hope) it will be one person that offers all of the above. In reality, the support we need comes from many different sources. Perhaps your spouse/partner is the one who sees you for who you truly are and reminds you of that. Maybe it is a colleague who collaborates with you on a new project, or someone you seek out to handle a part of your business or life that you either can’t or don’t want to by yourself. Perhaps you have friends who challenge you to do more than you think you can, or a coach who holds you accountable for the plans and goals you create. There is no end to the type of support you can receive and the places/people you could find it.
Support can also have different levels including a one time consultation with a professional on a specific matter, once a month brainstorming with a colleague around new business development, as needed support from a service provider you have a relationship with or regularly scheduled ongoing interaction with your career/life coach, mastermind, social group or friends.
What type of support do you most want or need?
Who in your life provides it?
Now that you know more about the support you need, where can you find it? What if you don’t currently have a person in your life with those traits, talents and expertise? Once you know what type of support you really need, begin to think about what kind of person – their personality, personal qualities, skill set, etc – could provide that level of support. Once you have ideas, you can begin to ask. Start with your current circle including, friends/family, professional organizations, clubs or groups you belong to, post a question on Linked In or other professional/social networking site, attend events where like minded people congregate, and search the web for particular people. The key is reaching out and asking for support, don’t wait for it to just come to you.
Where will you seek additional support?
Support is something everyone of us can benefit from in both our personal and professional lives. When you have the right support, your achievements can come more effortlessly, your experiences can be richer, you can soar to new heights, you often think bigger and may even have more fun in the process!
Stefanie Zizzo is a career and life coach, author and speaker who works with people who are ready to achieve bigger goals and create their “best fit” career and life. She works with people from all over the world through one-on-one coaching and a variety of seminars and workshops. She is also the author of The Journey From Comfort to Possibility: A Workbook of Self Discovery and Personal Transformation, which serves as a springboard to those ready to stretch out of their comfort zones and experience more of life. Stefanie is certified as a life coach through the Institute for Life Coach Training and the International Coach Federation, holds a Masters degree in Counseling and a Bachelors degree in Psychology. Visit and click Join Now to sign up to receive Stefanie’s monthly e-newsletter and get your free gift, a free sample of chapter one of The Journey From Comfort to Possibility.
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