First, there needs to be some activity to generate interest in your web sites. SEO will be helpful, but it is an effort that needs to be made from several angles.
1. Consider not using Automatic Play audio buttons. Why? Yes, we love hearing you, but consider the caliber of visitors, especially executive types, who would think having a message “pushed” to them might not meet their expectations of an executive type product or service.
2. Consider doing some social networking. Here are two ways to begin. First, set up a blog for and begin populating it with some of your newsletter feature articles. If you receive comments, then you would need to respond – take half hour a day to look at your blog and comment. Blogs are picked up quicker than web sites by search engines. Or maybe you would need to check just a couple of times a week unless it got very active.
3. Another way to do social networking is to have some Google Alerts sent to you via email – these alerts would be alerts focused on the keywords you are using in your web sites. You would scan these alerts and if you find a blog that you can contribute to the conversation, you would simply click on the link and add your comments. This would enable you to leave your name and URL to the most relevant site you have and create a link back to it. It is important that you don’t blatantly try to sell your products at these blog sites, but contribute to the conversation. We are attempting to get your name out there.
4. Now don’t cover your eyes on this one. Consistently distribute your articles. One every 3 days. I have two sources, I would not spend hours hand submitting – too inefficient. This will take some time to build up, but once the momentum gets going, I think you will see more visits. It must be consistent.
5. Having said that, create different bios, one specific for each article and each article should be specific to one web site – none of this general stuff. We want to focus.
6. Are you currently running Google Adwords? If you are, look at the ads to make sure they are focused to your niche.
7. Use the ShoppingCart Adtracker feature to track the articles and the adwords. This is not perfect because some sites only accept text articles and bios and I will not put an AdTracker URL in a bio – looks unprofessional to me, although some people do it. You can add it to the bios where we can use HTML.
8. Pick the top five keywords and use a different one as the very first keyword and in the description of each web page. Focus this keyword in the content, title and description.
9. Check your back links using Google. It is important to get links – articles will help with this.
10. And if you are interested, you can become an “Expert” at and
These are volunteer and free to the web sites, but it does get your name and web sites in yet another area.
I believe this is the way to go from experience. Several years ago I did a web site for a woman who picked her most obvious keyword as her top keyword and focus – today, if you put that keyword in google, her site still comes up #1 and it has for several years. Her web site is pretty much how I left it a few years back when we parted ways. She also attracted name site that put every one of her articles in their database, with a link back to her site.
If you have a relationship with some top rated niche company, maybe you could arrange with them to use your articles in their database. I know it is difficult because of the many number of sites out there.
Lastly, you need a reason for someone to visit your web sites to add to your bio for your articles, like a f.ree report on ???? “Visit and pick up your f.ree copy of ???????.” Be sure to add an autoresponder to collect email addresses.
Niche, focus and be diligent about those articles!
Kathy Sparks has been an Online Business Manager for the past 10 years, maintains a thriving Virtual Assistant practice, has authored several VA related ebooks and invites you to stop by
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