Do you want more love and passion in your relationship? What causes you to fight and push love away? Is it old habits learned in your childhood? What is more important your ego and old habits or making love?

It took me forty years to learn that I train my mate how to treat me and if I want to keep that loving feeling it was half my responsibility. Follow these easy to apply love rituals to heat up your bedroom and recapture your passion and romance.

• Schedule a special date. On the night of the date order in or cook a nice romantic meal. After dinner and light loving conversation. Light a candle and run a warm bath. Give your mate a bath from head to toe, in your mind see them as the person you met. Feel the passion that you felt on the first date.

• After you towel dry your mate. Lay them on a warm dry towel that you can get oil on. Next massage their back. Pay attention to loving, nurturing touch, and listen to their needs. As you feel their body for tension and send love through your hands, you establish loving touch. Release as much stress from their body as possible. Massage their upper shoulders, neck, and around their shoulder blades. Stay in the moment and don't be thinking about your day, or the next step, stay present with loving, nurturing touch.

• After you have given your partner loving touch on their back and neck. Move to their feet. Massage their feet, and stay present with nurturing touch. The feet represent the entire body and have pressure points that respond to each part of the body. As you massage the arch of the foot you are relaxing the spine. Massage the toes and you are relaxing the head, neck, and upper shoulders. Massage the heel of the feet and massage the legs and lower torso. You can bring the entire body to balance by giving a great nurturing and loving foot massage.

A couples retreat can be a special time to get away from your normal routine and focus on love. When you are out of your environment sometimes it is easier to break habits and learn to react to life and your partner from love. Check out our retreat here .
© copyright 2008 Annie B Lawrence, PhD, CHT

Author's Bio: 

Annie B Lawrence, PhD, CHT, author of Love’s Secret Live Your Life In Love, and co-author of 101 Ways to Improve Your Health. Read reviews and order copies here Annie is a spiritual life coach and owner of Retreat and Heal, located in Sedona. Arizona. Retreat and Heal offers personal healing retreats, and couples retreats year round. Visit her website at