Surging ahead with the animation
The concept of animation and its applications
Dynamism made happen in today's web sites with the help of sorts of animated stuff is a nice thing to give them a lively and happening look. Conceptually, animation might include anything which exhibits motion in its stride – hence it might include popping text on the site to full fledged videos, Flash applications or animated movies. It is strange but true that certain kind of graphics where the motion is not noticeable can also be called animation. This article is primarily concerned with the kind of animation where sensing the motion of the object is not difficult and motion catches the attention easily.
Animation has got promising potential for web sites. The human propensity to spot the object in motion is far more greater than object at rest. That's the reason prudent marketers, and intelligent advertisers use animation to get viewers' attention to their enticing offerings, or marketing messages in the hope of favorable end results. Undoubtedly, animated objects grab human attention. Whether it leads to favorable end results is something largely dependent on the specialty of offer and behavioral dynamics of consumers. Nevertheless, animation plays its vital role in the process.
Human touch to animation is critical -- Go for intuitive and organic animation
Animation, when used on the sites, should appear to be human and natural. Human beings are environmentally trained to perceive the motion of object right in the manner they see it in every day's life, from their birth to death. Therefore, animation exhibited on the web sites should be what people would like to see and what conforms to their subconscious expectations. This is what human or natural animation is all about.
With the right use of animation, the chances of clickability of an icon or a link increase. But the thing which must be kept in mind that it is the right use of animation, not otherwise. The right use of animation is analogous to intuitive, aesthetics, natural and organic use to serve your purpose. Your ability to use animation in the right manner is not something you will develop all of a sudden – experience and curiosity will teach you many great lessons.
Animation which lacks human or natural elements can prove to be a feature most despised by the users. Excessive or mindless use of animation to showcase your unique creative potential can turn into a big nuisance. One can well imagine the correlation of making nuisance and doing business all at the same time.
How to make animation engaging rather than merely natural
Remember that there is a very thin line between making the animation engaging and making it disgusting and annoying. What appeals to human mind is a complex and delicate issue. Overstepping on such path is a road ahead to disaster. However, there are certain principles and guidelines, which when adhered to, ensure that you do not cross the limits of human creative and intuitive appeal. These thumb rules are meant to be a beckoning light which can illuminate your ways -- while you strive to make the animation not only natural, but engaging too.
Use animated graphics on the web site wisely and economically. It is real pleasure to see one's creative animations on the site: but the question is whether they are equally pleasurable for the viewers as well.
Couple good animations with good design skills with uniformity and consistency on mind. Try to hit on the aesthetics sense of the viewers in real-like manner.
How would you go about hitting on aesthetics sensibilities of the viewers? Here is how to work on it.
• Animate the object precisely in the same way as it happens in the physical world.
• Never disappoint the viewers to see what they want to see as per their perceptual patterns.
• Animation on the Web should be an extension of occurrences of natural motion surrounding us.
• Dynamism on the Web cannot afford to deceive the viewers into some imaginary world; rather it should offer a glimpse of real life experiences with adept skills.
Animation with uniform speed is not supposed to be visually appealing and psychologically satisfying. Similarly, sudden movement of an object on the Web, or coming to rest instantly defies viewer friendliness. So, in order to make your animation get commanding visual presence, accelerate or decelerate the pace of movement. It can be more eye catcher, and thus, help you get more clickthroughs
Motion along a circular path attracts more attention than simply linear motion. The best use of motion could be rotating the object, even though on a straight line with engaging acceleration or deceleration.
Making animation with third dimension adds to its charm. The expanding or shrinking appearance of the object while in rotation along a linear or circular path with choosy acceleration or deceleration never ceases to have an inviting look.
How to lessen the monotony of linear motion and creatively adapt it
As you know that linear motion does not go well with the viewers. However, there are numerous stances where designers use linear motion for animation. What skillful designers do in the process is that they try to lessen the monotony of such motion by adopting the following techniques.
• They use the shortest possible linear motion that might serve the purpose. Short instances of linear motion do not breed monotony for viewers.
• They use different motion paths, though simple and enticing, of the same object rather than its single complex trajectory. The short and natural movements along different motion paths create a cohesive appeal to the viewers.
• They try to ward off the linearity of animations. The employ such techniques as change in the intensity of color as the object moves on, gradual emergence or natural and logical disappearance of object while in transformation, and sensible use of acoustics.
3D animation holds immense creative possibilities
Computer generated graphics coupled with 3D Animation is a whole new world of creative possibilities. Thanks to the plenty of 3D softwares readily available in the market which help to portray animations in the most natural manner. 3D Animation with time factor attached to it gives human brain a satisfying psychological pleasure because instances of real life motion can pretty well be replicated on computer screen. That is probably the reason for massive popularity of 3D computer games, especially among young generation. They experience the wow in visual transformation, imagery, animated stuff, and real life engaging motion.
What is so unique in case of 3D Animation is outstanding possibility to depict motion with a human and natural touch. With skillful manifestation of such intricacies of motion like change in color, texture, intensity of moving object, emergence or disappearance, distortions, morphing, natural progression and finality of the motion, it can happen the way we are congenitally accomosted to visualize and hence experience motion.
3D Animation, despite being so good a tool, is unfortunately very selectively used by designers.
Although there is abundance of animation on the websites, most of them do not use this potent tool vitally. They fail to engage the viewers in their preferred mode of visual sensation, and fall short of expectations. Nothing less than engaging outcome can be hoped when using such a powerful tool; right here they failed miserably. The reasons being the lack of intuitive-creative-organic appeal, and which, in turn, suppress the subliminal expectations of the viewers – resulting into visual menace.
The consideration on the aspects of motion -- pleasurable, appealing and satisfying -- to the viewers on the Web, as discussed in this article, can make 3D Animation technologies deliver engaging and natural animated experience. With the right application of the right tool, what one gets is nothing short of the right and intended results.
Deepak Sharma is a Web Designer at BlueApple, a Web Design and Development Company with a well connected development infrastructure in India having a strong portfolio with global clientele and offering superior web services and solutions at competitive costs.
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