Seven Simple Reality Repair Rules
William Cottringer, Ph.D.

“Reality is what persists and accumulates when you finally see past what you think you are looking at.” ~The author.

The modern science of quantum physics have proved a remarkable paradigm-shifting truth that has enormous consequences for life in general and the reality repair business in particular—we are not passive observers of reality but rather active participants in creating it. Quite simply put, if you don’t like a present reality you are part of—an unsatisfying relationship, a meaningless job, excessive debt, a boring existence devoid of happiness, or a horrendous commute to work—then it is a reality that you can repair and make better. But, like anything, success has to follow the rules that were set up before the game started.

Here are seven rules that once understood and applied, can get you hefty results in repairing broken realities you don’t like and creating new ones you want.

1. Everything is connected. This is such an old truth that it is boring, even with the new age spiritualism lingo in which it is being packaged. But the real truth of the matter is that you can’t un-connect the parts of something that are connected in an undesirable reality you want to improve, until you see the connections. The most important connection to notice is your present quality of thinking and consciousness and the results you get with it, like rejecting this truth.

2. Our dualistic minds create illusions. Our brains continually divide things into this and that, yes and no, truth and falseness, thinking and feeling etc. The worst illusion of all is the one we are convinced of that separates “us” from the rest of everything that is really connected in the unity, wholeness and oneness of # 1 above. Until you begin to see opposites as just different sides of the same coins, the reconciliation to wholeness that is necessary to become a master at repairing broken realities, is just an unfulfilled dream.

3. Emotions are the language to wholeness. One good result of our dualistic minds is the one that divides thoughts and feelings and further divides feelings into positive and negative ones. The basic purpose of positive feelings (all variations of love and security) is to let us know we are moving towards the needed wholeness to be effective in the reality repairs we are attempting. The basic purpose of negative feelings (all variations of fear and insecurity) is to warn us that we probably need to stop and rethink our approach to what we are trying to do.

4. Focused consciousness is powerful. When you learn how to focus positive thoughts to change negative realities, you can begin to move mountains with your mind. The real trick though, is to notice the fuzzy connections between your subtle negative thoughts and the realities they create which become nearly impervious to un-connecting. This area may take some time to build awareness of faulty thinking and then gradually replace it with the inner consciousness that avoids the negative contamination of the outer world. Much easier said than done and this is where patience is mandatory.

5. Ego and pride have to go. The main barrier to unleashing the nuclear power of positive consciousness is the personal ownership of it as an object of your desire. It simply can’t be “owned,” any more than the ideas in this article. And when you stop and think about it, it is almost funny. Who are you, but an accumulation of all your experiences in life with other people and things? The “you” of your ego and pride are just a vessel for all these experiences to pass through. Heck, science even says “you” change completely (biologically) every two years. Consider letting go of this false sense of security, for the sake of increasing success in the reality repair business if nothing else.

6. The inside and outside are the same. Everything that you experience outside of yourself is happening inside. That is the very process of creation that you have to go from being an observer to a participant to understand if you want to be more successful in repairing realities. Every external negative reality you may now be part of is just being reflected by you internal thoughts and feelings. Losing your pride and ego and harnessing the power of positive, enabling consciousness with your full intention is a walk across the bridge to infinity.

7. The truth will set you free. These truths have to become self-evident from personal experience before you can use them to see the folly of trying to repair broken realities that you don’t like and create new ones you want, so that you can do it anyway. This way you are remembering to slide into them naturally so they can take you through the simple process of un-connecting things bound by negative energy and connecting the ones bound by positive energy. In this sense nothing new is true, it is just old and retold.

We can all use these seven important truths to fix the broken realities we are all sensing that need repairing. There truly is a gathering momentum to go from passive observing to active participation in creating new and better realities.

Author's Bio: 

William Cottringer, Ph.D. is President of Puget Sound Security in Bellevue, WA., along with being a Sport Psychologist, Business Success Coach, Photographer and Writer. He is author of several business and self-development books, including, You Can Have Your Cheese & Eat It Too (Executive Excellence), The Bow-Wow Secrets (Wisdom Tree), and Do What Matters Most and “P” Point Management (Atlantic Book Publishers). This article is part of his new book Rational Reality Repair Rx coming soon. Bill can be reached for comments or questions at (425) 454-5011 or