Not seeing any results from your job search? Have your job efforts been limited to responding to the classifieds? Jump-start your job search by developing a marketing campaign utilizing several different strategies to land the job you want. Be creative and think ‘outside the box.’ Try some methods you haven’t used in the past. Everything from networking to creating a career portfolio can speed up your job search efforts.

Networking is an important component of the job search. Tell everyone you know that you’re looking for a job. They just may know someone who is hiring. Your list can include family, friends, friends of friends, acquaintances, co-workers, former co-workers, neighbors, doctors, dentists, and lawyers. Consider joining a professional association in your field. Many large cities offer job search support/networking groups. Check the career or business section of your Sunday newspaper for a listing.

Research companies you may be interested in working for and then call to introduce yourself. You may capture the attention of employers who may either be thinking of filling a position or may create a position if your skills fit their needs. Your local library or the Internet may have information about a company you’re interested in. You can also call the company and request their annual report. Prepare a “cold calling” script that includes why you’re calling, what type of work you are seeking, and a brief statement of your skills. Call to ask if the company is hiring. If not, ask when they might be hiring. Don’t forget to ask if they could refer you to another company that may be hiring.

Create an effective resume by highlighting the skills and accomplishments that relate to a specific position with a particular company. You may need different versions. Review the advertisement or job description to assess the experience, skills, and qualifications required. A customized cover letter should accompany each resume. Explain to the employer how hiring you will help meet their needs.

Don’t forget to hop on the World Wide Web and enter your resume into state and nationwide electronic resume banks. If your resume matches the skills employers are looking for, they will contact you for an interview. View job listings on the Internet. The different sites guide you through the process. If you don’t own a computer, visit your local library.

Showcase your accomplishments with a well-developed career portfolio, illustrating concrete evidence of your work. When answering interview questions, point to items in your portfolio that demonstrate your achievements. Items to consider including in your portfolio: resume, transcripts, awards, certificates, project samples, memos, and positive work performance evaluations.

Interviewing requires research and preparation. Outshine the other candidates by knowing something about the company with which you are interviewing. Practice commonly asked interview questions, keeping in mind your skills and accomplishments. Be prepared with some success stories. The more you practice, the more confident you will become.

Don’t forget to treat your job search like a full-time job. Reports indicate that 85% of people stay unemployed due to lack of job search activity. Organize your job search by developing a weekly job search schedule and setting measurable goals. Check your progress at the end of each day and week. Be sure to keep accurate records by developing and maintaining a filing system. If you’re not employed, spend 30-40 hours a week in your job search. If you are working, devote as much time as you can. The more effort you put into your job search, the faster you will see results.

Author's Bio: 

Joan Runnheim Olson, M.S., founder of Pathways Career Success Strategies, LLC ( in Hudson, WI, is an internationally certified coach who helps professionals, managers, and executives move up, move forward, or move on in their career. For 7+ years she served as a career expert for, a global careers network. Joan has been able to reach out to millions of people with her 1:1 in person, telephone, and online career coaching. For more information or to subscribe to her bi-weekly eNewsletter, Strategies for Career Success, go to or call 715-808-0344 or email Follow Joan on Twitter at: Check out her blog for additional career & leadership tips at