The free distribution of specialist articles, complete with republishing rights and a carefully crafted bio & resource boxes, are now universally recognized as a powerful, key strategy in building:
- Credibility as an expert within your field.
- Targeted traffic via a contextual linking
- Your in-house opt-in subscriber list.
- Link popularity to increased your Google rankings.
- Residual Income through affiliate programs
* Getting Published In Your Shorts *
Providing your article is well written, original,informative and most of all, project's your own personality.
You'll not only generate masses of:-
- Free advertising
- Free traffic
- Free subscribers
you'll also..
- Reduced your customer acquisition rate
not to mention..
- Third party edification
- Brand awareness
- Most valuable of all...Fans
* Rapid-Fire Information Assault Tactics *
The two most popular ways of reaching e-zine publishers with your articles are:-
a) 'Article announcement' lists
b) 'Article announcement' sites
Let take a look at how this can be done quickly and efficiently.
Firstly, submitting to 'article announcement' lists
1) Simply search for 'article announcement lists' on and compile a list of related announcement lists.
2) You simply opt-in to all of the lists that fit your target market by sending a blank email to all the subscribe addresses
2) Confirm your subscription by either replying to the automatic email you receive a few moments later or by clicking the confirm link provide by the automated email.
3) Then compile a list of lists or a mail group.
4) Then, write your article and email it to your list of announcment lists.
Secondly, submitting to 'article announcement' sites
1) Again search for 'larticle announcement sites' on and again, there again, there are lists in abundance.
Take a close look at each site, you soon realize that. 'Article Announcement Sites' are a different ball game!
It's no longer as straight forward as subscribing to all the lists and sending one email containing your article.
Most announcement 'sites' have different methods of submission. Some require the entire article and some of your details, some require a link to the article others require a log-in and even can ask you the publisher if they'd like to submit a photo.
So as you can see hitting these high traffic resources in large numbers regularly can take precious time out of your daily marketing efforts.
OK! I apologize in advance for the use of hyped language!
I stayed awake through the early hours of this morning evaluating what I genuinely believe is the most powerful e-publishers available this year.(and it's only February)
Don't go any further until you've checked out the free evaluation download ... Click here.
Before I started to touched the instructions. I tried to figure out how to access the features within EzineAnnouncer. ( Foolishly, I *never* read instructions, I always see usability as part of the challenge)
First things first, I filled out the global details and set up the product forms for my this ezine.
"Hey, aren't I smart I thought to myself..."
Then fumbled my way around trying to get the dam thing to submit to the huge list of ezine directories.
Within 10 minutes I'd worked it out and we hay, some ezines were working others weren't. ...
Then I notices a whole section of passwords and additional fields that required filling out.
Once I'd filled out the various macros under each field. Now I was rapidly submitting to many more e-zine directories than I would normally ever bother with.
Then!.....3 hours later I realized that the macros made it possible to drag and drop data into a field on submission.
Basically you fill out all the info required by any kind of e-zine articles submission system.
And if EzineAnnouncer doesn't recognize the form fields yet, you simply drag and drop a macro into the empty field and click submit.
I've never submitted my e-zine so quickly to so may places. This tools is a must! But don't take my word for it. Check out the trial. I promise you'll be hooked!
The more I learned about each feature the larger the grin spread across my face.
Personalization with SMTP email merge...So what!
....I've got opt-in pro you might say!
But does your top-end email marketing solution integrate with an ever growing database of like minded e-zine publishers directories, discussion lists, announcement lists etc.....
The data in constantly updated by XML. Old data removed, while new data constantly added.
This tool looks set to grow into a huge targeted info exchange. soon to become a focus piece on every e-publishers desktop.
EzineAnnouncer also tracks ad's, sales and personal contacts. And it's extensive database and detailed macros enable you to send some of the most personalized ad/article swaps to huge numbers targeted ezine publishers at the click of a mouse
Here see for your self
Final Words...
My prediction is that *unless* someone develops a highly competitive system, with it own unique XML model. Which, by design remains in some way strategically incompatible to EzineAnnouncer.
I predict that EzineAnnouncer will accelerate in growth. To become a pivotal, multifaceted information exchange for e-publishers in much the same way as Napster or ICQ became became so big...
The more users it acquires, the more powerful it becomes and more importantly to the marketer, the more precisely it may be targetted.
The only other question is:-
‘how might the EzineAnnounce profit model evolve?’
I also hope to see some healthy competition emerge before eitherthe price goes sky high or some hybrid pay for performance model is introduced.
For more information and a free trial click here
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