Rebecca Fine is the founder of “The Science of Getting Rich” Network. “The Science of Getting Rich” is a book that was written by Wallace Wattles over 100 years ago. Since 1998, Rebecca has been introducing people to the free eBook version through her online network. What started as a hobby site now has hundreds of thousands of members from nearly 200 countries.

One who was introduced to “The Science of Getting Rich” is a woman well known all over the world. Rhonda Byrne read the book and later used concepts she learned about the Law of Attraction to write her book, “The Secret”. This phenomenal book has been translated in many languages and turned into a documentary film.

Rebecca was first introduced to “The Science of Getting Rich” by an email sent out from a life coach’s list. The title is what really caught her eye. Could there really be a “science” behind wealth? She simply had to find out, so she ordered a copy. When it came in, she ripped open the box and read the whole book in only two hours.

Some things take time to sink into one’s mind. This book is one of them. Rebecca didn’t understand everything she had just read, but she knew enough to know what she was doing wrong. She’d had successes in other parts of her life, but her network marketing business just wouldn’t get off the ground.

Without hesitation, Rebecca told her partner she’d found the answer to what they were doing wrong and encouraged her to also read the book – at that very moment! When her partner was finished a couple of hours later, they both knew some things needed to change immediately.

Things seemed to change overnight. Their business went from “ho-hum” to major success in only six months. The CEO of the company was pointing them out as examples, but still, Rebecca wasn’t quite convinced. Maybe it was a coincidence the business took off so quickly?

It took only about six months of smooth-sailing success before Rebecca was convinced this “science” worked. She wanted to tell the whole world, so she started the little hobby website. She had no intention of list-building or anything like that. She simply wanted to help others.

In no time flat, the site was a huge success. No one, especially Rebecca, could have dreamed how successful it would be. She later set up a discussion forum on the site and watched it bloom. With the urging of her site’s fans, she also made a recording of the book and started an online course. Today, the site practically runs itself!

Author's Bio: 

Liz & Ric Thompson are the founders of Healthy Wealthy nWise. They’ve studied and interviewed hundreds of the most successful people in the world and have brought their wisdom, tips, success and personal development secrets to people through their website and their online magazine. Learn all about HWnW by going to