Reading Faces to Understand People
By Naomi R. Tickle
In the 1930s, Edward Jones, a Los Angeles judge, became fascinated by the relationship between the facial structure and personality. Whilst in court he would became so fascinated by these observations, that he dropped his judicial work and researched many of the books that were published by Lavater and other notable authors on the subject. Using established scientific principles, Jones looked at 200 different facial features and later narrowed the number down to 68. His research indicated a 92% accuracy for personality profiling and 88% for career assessment. Thanks to Judge Jones, the “new” physiognomy, became the modern day scientific approach to reading faces. Today it is also known as Personology. It is the most accurate and researched face reading system used today.
In addition to the practical uses of face reading, further studies were conducted in San Quentin Prison during the 1940s. Warden Clinton Duffy stated at the time…. “Many of our men here have been helped immeasurably by your staff. It is my hope that in the future we can broaden the scope of this great work.” George H. Cantrell noted, “As a psychologist, having spent many years in vocational counseling, we now accomplish in hours better results than we would in days before practicing the principles taught by Jones and his staff.”
Jones’ contribution to the understanding of human nature, as it is revealed in the face, took physiognomy to a new level of acceptance, credibility, understanding and application. He applied the new physiognomy for jury selection, personal development, improving relationships, sales, communication, team building and career assessments. He named this new approach to face reading, Personology.
To many, reading faces may sound outlandish. But there is real scientific evidence to support the accuracy of these observations. One cannot ignore confirmation that is staring us in the face (no pun intended). Besides, we all read faces anyway and make snap judgments based on how people look. The face is full of information.
When we buy a new piece of equipment it comes with a set of instructions on how to use it. If we didn’t read these instructions, it would take much longer to master how to use the equipment. Many try to learn as they go and it takes them much longer. Or they simply give up. Face reading is a set of guidelines that gives people a template to work from. It will help us to better understand ourselves and to be more conscious of our communications and interaction with others. It helps us to listen and observe rather than react or make hasty judgments.
Does Face Reading Apply to Other Cultures?
Yes, the only difference would be the spacing between the eyes of people with Asian and African heritage. According to optometrists, their eyes are ten percent further apart than in the western world. These differences are taken into account.
Adopted and Foster Children
What does Face Reading have to do with children and their birth parents? With the discovery of DNA and genetics, science has established that children inherit their traits from their birth parents. While nurturing can have a tremendous influence on how traits manifest themselves overtime, the basic blueprint for who we are in the world comes on the day of conception.
Face reading meticulously examines the features of a person's face and connects those physical characteristics with personality traits. Since adopted children do not inherit their genes from their legal parents, the chances that the physical traits of these new parents are different from those of the birth parents are pretty high.
So what can Face Reading do for adopted children and their parents?
Face Reading opens a window of discovery that allows the child and the parents to learn about the birth parents from a neutral place. There is no right or wrong way to have your eyes placed in your head; it is not better or worse to have a sloping forehead or a more squared forehead; there is no value judgement placed on the distance between your nose and your chin.
Identifying the traits of the adopted child offers parents the chance to get to know and understand them in a whole new light. The child experiences him or herself as being "seen" and "understood", and also feels a sense of relief in understanding his or her adoptive parents and how to best communicate and engage with each other. And everyone gets to feel a sense of connection, a sense of knowing, with the birth family.
Once the physical traits are linked with personality and birth parents, then what?
Your family is then armed with a powerful set of tools for encouraging innate strengths and redirecting inherent challenges that are coded in the child's genes.
Many years ago I met a woman who had a three-year-old daughter. I suggested that her daughter had a gift for writing. Ten years later Stephanie called me to say that her daughter had just been asked to write for the school newspaper. Her teacher stated that she was extremely gifted. Her mother was thrilled. Just recently I was in a restaurant and as was looking around the room, I noticed a four year old boy with his father who had a “C” shaped ear, which indicates the gift for music. I felt compelled to share this with his father, just in case this had not been discovered. As I approach his father I said “you have a musician in the family.” The father looked at me in surprise and said yes, his son was a very accomplished saxophone player for his age. His father had the same trait. He loved to play the drums.
We are born with these gifts and innate abilities. However, along life’s path we tend to wander off track and get lost with all the choices that life has to offer. We get input from our well meaning parents, teachers and friends that may confuse us even more. We try this and that and still we are lost. What Personology offers, is a way to get back on track with our life. To better understand ourselves and the people we meet with. To help us in guiding our children in a direction that supports their natural abilities. Be it an activity they would enjoy or a career or hobby to pursue.
My goal is to help as many people as possible find their passion in life. To improve communications and avoid much of the misunderstanding that goes on at work and home. Career and personality assessments can be successful made from photographs.
Naomi Tickle is a world-renown face reading expert and career consultant. She offers workshops and lectures World-Wide. Her clients include people in career transition, IBM marketing division, AT&T, Dental and Coaching conferences plus many more. To learn more go to:
Naomi Tickle is an International face reading expert and career consultant. She is the author of You Can Read A Face Like A Book and Closing The Sale. She was first introduced to Personology (face reading) 22 years ago. Amazed by the accuracy, Naomi felt this was an opportunity to help others to better understand themselves and the people they meet with.
Naomi has appeared on CNN, NBC, BBC, Good Morning America and numerous television radio interviews around the world. Her book is used as a tool for communications, understanding children, relationships, team building, sales, career guidance and personal development.
Naomi clients include: AT&T,IBM marketing division UK, National Semiconductor, College Conferences, Orthodontist conference, Keynote speaker at Real Estate retreats and Coaching conferences plus many more. She offers entertaining and informative Face Reading workshops and lectures throughout the United States, Australia and Europe. Participants leave with a working knowledge on how to use the information in their business and personal life.
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