Excerpt from Psycanics, Level 1

...............COSMOLOGY: HOW IT ALL BEGAN ................

. . . . . . . . . The Story of IT . . . . . . . . . .

In the Beginning, there was no Beginning because at the time, there was no Time. However, our minds cannot grasp a condition of no-time, so let us pretend that there was a Beginning and begin again:

In the Beginning, there was THAT WHICH WAS, IS, and ALWAYS WILL BE -- or “IT”, for short.

Now IT was and is both NOTHING and EVERYTHING at the same time. IT was NOTHING because in the Beginning, there were no things--only IT. However, IT was also simultaneously EVERYTHING because IT could be, would be, and always is every thing and all things that can ever exist. IT is infinite CREATIVE POWER with the potential to create anything, to BE anything. But at the beginning, as yet no-thing was created and there was only IT.

And because there is only IT, anything that IT should create, IT would have to create it out of ITself. There was-is nothing else to create anything out of. There is not and cannot be that which is not IT. There is only the ONE.

IT is far, far beyond human comprehension and anything we humans say about IT is less than a grain of sand on the Sahara. To even talk about IT, we have to use a comparison, an analogy, of something already within our experience=knowledge. Let’s start with a desert.
Imagine an infinite desert, an infinite plane of pure sand, with absolutely nothing else existing. Our desert is absolutely level without the least depression or the smallest mound. IT is exactly the same everywhere; there is absolutely no distinction, no differentiation, no distinguishing mark, and no landmarks. Even the grains of sand are identical. There is only IT. Infinite in all directions, IT has no limit, no edge--and therefore no center. Or everywhere is the center, depending on how you want to look at it.

Notice that you have absolutely no way of knowing where you are on this plane. There is absolutely no reference point, no center, no edge, no distinctive feature, no landmark to distinguish any point from any other point. There is no relation or relationship—no Relativity--to anything else because there is no-thing else. Without Relativity, you can have no Identity. (The concepts of Relativity and Identity are explained in subsequent chapters.)

It makes no difference where you are on this plane—there are no differences, remember--because everywhere you are, IT is exactly the same. And no matter how you move or where you go, you are always exactly at the center of an infinity of sameness. Thus, there isn’t any place different to go—everything is the same. Nor can you go anywhere because no matter how you move you are always at the center of an infinity of NOTHING. Without Relativity to some point, to some distinction or landmark, you couldn´t even tell if you are moving or not. Therefore, there is no motion.

Picture all this before you continue.

Now let’s upgrade our analogy to three dimensions. The word and concept that we humans have that most closely corresponds to IT is “ENERGY”. IT is ENERGY with the characteristics of CONSCIOUSNESS, INTELLIGENCE, WILL and CAUSE=CREATOR.

The highest form of physical energy that we humans can perceive is light. Let’s use light for our analogy and move from two to three dimensions. So now imagine IT as light, as a glowing white fog. Imagine this lighted fog as infinite in all directions with no end, no edge and therefore no center--or everywhere is the center, depending on how you want to look at it.

Imagine every part of our fog=IT as exactly the same; there is no variation, no thinning, no concentration, and no differentiation of any kind. There is no distinction, no distinguishing mark, no things, no objects, no waves. There is no gravity or any other force by which to know an orientation or a direction. There is no up-down, left-right, in-out, above-below, north-south, etc.

Our Light-Energy is CONSCIOUSNESS: Consciousness is the awareness, the experience of, existence. It is the feeling of “I”; the “I AM”; which is also “I AM-Here-Now”. Verify this in your own experience: Do you exist? Are you; or are you not? If you do exist, how do you know that you exist?

You can only respond “I am” or “I exist”. You may not know how you know that you exist; only that you do exist. After all, if you did not exist, how could you even propose, much less answer, the question of whether you exist or not? If you say, “I do not exist”, then who exists to say that?
The proof of your existence is your experience, which is your knowing, that you exist. (Experience and knowing are the same thing, a point we will come back to in the future.)

The answer of Descartes, “Cogito, ergo sum” (I think, therefore I am) is a low level answer. Long before you think, you ARE. You already are=BE that which thinks. Thinking is well below BEing on the scale of existence.
A better answer is: “I know that I am because I experience that I am.” Another good answer is: That I am is proven by the posing of the question. If I do not exist, then who or what is proposing the question of whether I am or not?
Furthermore, you exist even when you do not think, a state sought in meditation--or reached after imbibing too many tequilas.

Our light fog is ENERGY=CONSCIOUSNESS=AWARENESS equally distributed to infinity; no variations, no differences anywhere. Our IT=CONSCIOUSNESS=I AM is perfectly the SAME, ONE and ONLY everywhere. Therefore, all of our light-fog is everywhere and equally conscious, everywhere and equally in the experience of “I”, of “I AM”, of “I-HERE-NOW”.
This is the original “I AM”.

And it is not an I AM THIS or THAT--as it will be later when we get to Identities--because in the Beginning there is nothing else to BE. There is no-thing else at all.
Likewise, there is no “NOT I”, no OTHER; no-thing else to perceive or be conscious of. There is only the “I AM” (light=consciousness) everywhere, equally.


Secondary aspects of consciousness include awareness of place and of time; that is, of “Here” and of “Now”. Let’s consider place=location first.

Notice that consciousness is also the experience of a point of existence, of a location, of HERE. Are you not “I Am HERE” --wherever you are when you read this? Verify this: Can your “I AM” be other than here, other than where you are? Absolutely not: you are always wherever you are and that is always Here at that moment. “There” is always where you are not.

Our infinite CONSCIOUSNESS (the fog) is infinite and therefore everywhere. There is no place, no point, where it is not. Consequently, all points of CONSCIOUSNESS=I AM are equally in the experience of HERE. There is no place where the light fog=consciousness=HERE is not, or is more than in another place. Everywhere is HERE equally, and therefore there is no THERE.

Notice that you have absolutely no way of knowing where you are in our conscious fog, other than HERE. There is absolutely no reference point, no center, no edge, no distinctive feature, no landmark to distinguish any point from any other point. There is no relation or relationship—no Relativity--to anything else because there is no-thing else.

Nor would it make any difference where you are, because any-where you are, IT is exactly the same.


In our fog, there is no place to go. First, you=I AM are already there because you are equally every-where. Second, every-where is exactly the same: there is no distinctive else-where to go to. Third, without a distinction to mark a destination, you wouldn’t know when you got there. And fourth, no matter where you go, you are always exactly at the center of an infinity of sameness.

Even if you could move, you couldn’t know it, because there is no distinctive point, no landmark, to measure movement against.

Thus, there is no motion in the Original IT.


Likewise, there is no change. There is no-thing to change into: there is only the ONE being ITSELF, timelessly. There is no-where, no other place to change (go) to (which is movement).

When there is no change or movement, there can be no TIME.


Let us examine Time. TIME can only be measured and consequently only exists when there is change. The concept of change includes any alteration of a reality, or any movement (change of position) of that reality in space. If there is no change, there is no time.

One way to see this is to note that we humans measure time by the change, usually change of position in space. Examples of time measure by change include: the hands of your watch; the rotation of the earth (a day); the revolution of the earth around the sun (a year); the distance light travels (a light-year); the vibrations of cesium in an atomic clock. Time is change or movement.
Another way to see this is to imagine that you are sitting in your room and there is absolutely no change or movement of any kind or of any thing. I mean, serious NO-CHANGE. Your watch ceases to move. The sun is frozen in the sky; the light does not change. No one enters or leaves. Your body processes stop; your heartbeat and respiration and digestion stop -- but you don’t die, that would be a change. The physical universe stops its natural decay; even the paint on the walls stops deteriorating. Your thoughts freeze; there is absolutely no movement of your mind or your emotions. Your very consciousness is fixed; there is not even the slightest movement of your attention from one thing to another. Whatever you were last attending, there remains your attention focused for all eternity -- which is the eternal NOW rather than a very long time. Everything, and I mean everything, internal and external, is absolutely static.

Can you see, that in such a case, there would be no time? No change, no movement; everything frozen forever as it is. Time is not born.

Note that such a state would be B-O-R-I-N-G — worse: it would be the most exquisite torture. Extreme solitary confinement attempts to create such conditions by eliminating as much change as possible, locking the prisoner up alone in the dark and isolated from others and even from sounds.

Yet also note that meditation seeks to bring you to this state of complete stillness, including of your thoughts. That total stillness is the gate to go behind thought and time into the original, uncreated ONE and ONLY. This is the experience that all mystics seek, known in Hinduism as samadhi, and in Buddhism as the Void. It is the “Kingdom of Heaven within.”

This means that the ideal situation in life is to be meditating in solitary confinement.

I am joking, but note that this is basically the situation the monks in both Eastern and Western spiritual cultures seek. Monasteries and prisons have a lot in common. The greatest difference between them is the attitude (i.e. willingness) of the inmate.

In Level 6, I will explain how time is an illusion and that everything that has ever existed, that exists now or that ever will exist, already exists. You are, in fact, a point of consciousness; i.e. of experience, moving through the ALL THAT EXISTS along your life path. That movement gives you the illusion of time. One important thing about this is that you can learn to “jump” (instantly move) to the identities and realities (already existing, remember) that you wish to BE, DO or HAVE. This is a fast track to creation and manifestation.

Even now, Time is an illusion. You are always NOW. Your thoughts can go to the past or to the future, but you are always now and your thinking about that past or future is always now. You can have memories of “I Was-There-Then”, but these are only memories, and when they were happening, you were “I Am-Here-Now,” then and there. Your memories are always I-Here-Now remembering something.

As to the future, you can have mental projections of “I Will Be, There and Then”, but they are only mental images. You are experiencing them “I Am-Here-Now”. And should they come to pass, you will experience them as “I Am-Here-Now” living this.

Furthermore, thinking about the past or the future, takes you out of the Eternal Now and out of your immortality and puts you into ego and anxiety. Although you as a human probably do not realize it, your soul seeks to return to the Eternal Now, the place of ecstasy from which it descends into time and suffering.

Thus in the original state of IT, of the AWARE ENERGY, there is the I AM and no Other. There is nothing to change to because any change would be to Other; and in the Beginning, no Other existed. (Even now, no real OTHER exists, for there is only the ONE.)

The “I AM” is already everywhere equally all the Time at the time that Time was not. There is no place that IT isn’t and therefore no place to move to and no movement to any place. With no change or movement possible, there is no Time, only the Eternal Now.

Thus in the Beginning there was-is no time other than NOW. And because there is no polarity of Past and Future, there is not even the concept of NOW. (Polarities will be explained later.)

Thus, there was-is no time at the “Beginning”, as we said at the beginning of this chapter. Nor was there a Beginning, because the concept of “beginning” itself implies something came first, which implies Time. Without Time, there can be no Beginning.

Even now for IT, there is no Time. There is only the I AM HERE NOW, the Eternal Present.

Thus, in the Beginning that wasn’t, there was-is the I AM, the ONLY ONE and no other, the ALL THAT IS; every-where and always in the stillness of the ETERNAL NOW, without beginning and without end.

There you have IT: the INFINITE I AM-and-there-is-nothing-else; the ONE and ONLY UNDIFFERENTIATED CONSCIOUS ENERGY AWARENESS INTELLIGENCE CAUSE-CREATOR-WILL-POWER, SPACE, LOVE, JOY, BLISS. IT is the TIMELESS, ETERNAL-NOW “I AM”; the UNMOVED MOVER, the NOTHING-with-the-potential-to-BE-ANY THING-and that is EVERY THING, EVERYWHERE, ALWAYS --at a time when there was no thing, no time and no where.

Aka: GOD. (aka means “also known as”). Aka: Allah, Jehovah, Elohim, Ra, Netjer, Veruna, Brahman; whatever puny human label you care to stick on IT. I often use the word Tao, the name given to IT in the ancient Chinese mystical philosophy known as Taoism.

Thus is the Tao, in the beginning that wasn’t. Anything you say about God=Tao is true and not true. Any human concept applied to God is just that, a inadequate human concept—including everything I say here.

Isn’t mysticism fun?

Please remember the following two concepts as we will be referring to them later. The first is IT as ULTIMATE REALITY; as contrasted with CREATED REALITY, the cosmos in which you currently reside as a human being. Ultimate Reality is the original “I” or “I AM”. It is the FORMLESS behind all forms; the UNMOVED MOVER, the FIRST CAUSE, the NO-THING that creates the EVERY-THING. You come from Ultimate Reality, the Nothing. You currently are playing in Created Reality, the Something.

The goal of the game is to return to Ultimate Reality, to go through the illusion of Created Reality back to Ultimate Reality. This is the Supreme Game of your existence--whether you know it or not. Most humans don’t. The price of that ignorance is suffering. When you understand and align to the Game, you no longer suffer. We will come back to all this in the advanced levels of psycanics and in mysticism.

The second concept to remember is ESSENCE. This word refers to the attributes of the GOD-ENERGY: CONSCIOUSNESS, INTELLIGENCE, WISDOM, CAUSE-CREATOR-WILL-POWER, SPACE, VALUE (Goodness), LOVE, JOY, BLISS. These will often be abbreviated to Wisdom, Power, Value, Love and Joy; or WPVLJ.

The importance of ESSENCE is that these qualities are both the essence of God and your essence as a spiritual being-- a “son of God” in religious terms; a “chip off the old block” in mine. We will later see that all your problems and suffering in life are due to your subconscious suppressions of your ESSENCE. A good part of psycanics is about removing those suppressions.

Next Chapter: Creation of the Cosmos

Author's Bio: 

Thomas Powell is a philosopher and mystic, and the discoverer of Psycanics, a Physics of the Spirit, Mind, Emotion, Love and Happiness. www.psycanics.com .