The model of online attraction marketing is based on educating and teaching your audience. When you think of network marketing your first thoughts may be of a rowdy sales pitch and pushy sales techniques.

Online attraction marketing revolves around getting your message across to those who actually want to listen. You then educate your audience. The truth is that education sells so you can forget the sales pitch. This might sound quite odd if you have always used offline methods of prospecting, but bear with me as we explore these methods of attraction marketing online in this article.

Online Attraction Marketing

Getting your message across to your prospects essentially means you need to target the people who want to hear it. In these tough economic times, many people are seeking out home business opportunities.

The main problem with network marketing is targeting those who haven’t even thought about a home business and who, no matter how hard you try, will never have any interest in the concept. Before you do anything else, you need to put your promotions to those seeking home business opportunities and those who have actually sought you out to find out more information on the subject.

This next phase is essential. When your prospects start to enter your funnel don’t give them the hard sell. Instead give them some useful information that they can learn from. Educate and train them.

The Power Of Teach Your Prospects

Teach, inform, and educate your potential prospects and tell them everything you know. This is one of the most powerful methods you can use in order to gain their trust. Your prospects have no idea who you are or what you have to offer so when you can gain their trust you are really breaking down the barriers of resistance. Most people would never want to buy from someone they have only heard from a couple of times.

Research the people who have experienced the most success with online attraction marketing and work out how they managed to become so successful. At the center of their prospecting strategy they have systems in place that ensures any new people entering their funnel are given educational and training information rather than sales pitches.

Showing Your Prospects How

The first thing you need to do is change the mindset of any new prospects. You need to show them the ‘how’ instead of the ‘why’ and educate them until they stop resisting and start trusting.

The last thing that you need to remember is that before you start to put across a sales message, you need to have gained the trust and respect of your prospects. With online attraction marketing, it's almost like you need to earn the right to be able to pitch to them.

Author's Bio: 

Want to put your online attraction marketing lead generation on steroids? Read this free report The 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing. Then join the top 5% network attraction marketers making money by learning how to dramatically improve your sponsor rate!