If you use essential oils in your bath, massage oil, lotions or steam therapy, and you normally use a single favorite oil, try blending essential oils for both fun and therapeutic value. Although single aroma incense and floral waters are not uncommon in Ayurveda, the ancient system of healing from India, it is typical to see blends or combinations of several different aromas. The benefits? Synergy and balance.

A synergistic blend of healing substances, according to Ayurveda, delivers a holistic benefit that is greater than the sum of its parts. And careful balancing of ingredients is reported to counteract possible side-effects from a single healing substance. Whatever the traditional rationale behind the practice, it is most definitely fun if you enjoy creating your own custom fragrances.

Ayurveda talks about restoring balance to mind, body and spirit in every season. The three Ayurvedic operators ? Vata, Pitta and Kapha ? that control all the functions of the mind and body have seasons associated with them as well. Fall and winter are associated with Vata, spring with Kapha and summer with Pitta. There are traditional aroma blends that are particularly useful for restoring overall balance in each of these three seasons.

Vata balancing blends for the fall and winter include oils that soothe and enhance serenity ? Sweet Orange, Geranium Rose, Ylang Ylang, Frankincense and Fennel, for example. Try equal parts of Ylang Ylang and Frankincense (4 drops each) in 2 oz. of a light massage oil such as Jojoba or Sweet Almond for a relaxing therapeutic full-body massage. Or combine two drops each of Sweet Orange and Geranium Rose with 4 drops of Lavender for a relaxing combination for washing ? mix with 2 oz. of unscented, gentle shower gel or facial cleanser and use as needed. A couple of drops of this blend can also work well for facial steam therapy in cold windy weather. A combination of 2 drops each of Patchouli and Lemon and 4 drops of Jasmine can help you really unwind ? try this blend as an infusion in a late evening bath. A complex Vata blend can include as many as seven or eight oils in a precise combination for optimal seasonal balance.

Pitta tends to get out of balance in situations of extreme heat, whether it be climate-related or emotions-related. Aroma blends for balancing Pitta include cooling oils such as Rose, Jasmine, Sandalwood and Lavender, with smaller amounts of soothing oils such as Ylang Ylang and Frankincense and some uplifting oils such as Lemon or Peppermint. The combinations are designed to keep you calm, yet focused and alert. Try equal parts ? 4 drops each ? of Ylang Ylang and Sandalwood for a bathwater infusion on hot days. Or blend equal parts of Vetiver, Sandalwood, Rose, Jasmine and Fennel and use the quantity directed in an aroma diffuser for creating a calm environment and diffusing intensity. To make a cooling massage oil, try coconut as the base oil, with 2 drops each of Sandalwood, Lavender, Thyme and Lemon per 2 oz. of the carrier oil.

Kapha blends are generally invigorating, designed to wake you up on damp, cold, gray spring days. They contain vital oils such as Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Peppermint and Basil, with smaller amounts of balancing oils such as Frankincense or Ylang Ylang. Try four drops of Peppermint and 2 drops each of Frankincense and Ylang Ylang as a bath infusion in a morning bath or as part of your shower gel (use 8-10 drops per 2 oz. of cleanser) ? you'll feel the invigorating aromas subtly balance your body and mind long after you've bathed or showered. A drop each of Eucalyptus and Basil works wonders in steam therapy water on moist cold days. This blend will help you feel fresh, alert and clear.

The sense of smell has long been used as part of holistic healing in traditions all over the world since ancient times. Healing scents afford both pleasure and gentle balance for body, mind and spirit. Use them in every season to restore harmony!

Note ? Essential oils are potent substances, less is more with many of these oils. Exercise care in both blending and use. Test for sensitivity and always dilute oils before bringing them in contact with your skin. Only for external use.

For more information on Vata, Pitta and Kapha, or Ayurveda ? http://www.mapi.com

Information presented in this article is only for the purpose of imparting education on Ayurveda and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult a health professional.

Author's Bio: 

Vasu Nargundkar is very interested in holistic healing. She works for Maharishi Ayurveda Products International, a health foods and herbal supplements distributor located in Colorado Springs. Ayurveda is Earth's original health science. She is the editor of Total Health News, a monthly newsletter on Ayurveda published at www.mapi.com. For more information on Maharishi Ayurveda, recipes using all-natural foods and
other practical advice on living in harmony with nature, please visit http://www.mapi.com.