If you are like most people, you acquired your education and knowledge about plans, investments, and services from vendors who sell bundled and/or unbundled products.
What are the odds against your having a plan that is optimal? When Congress held hearings regarding retirement plans and their mix of investments, they discovered this: Most employers and most employees do not know how much their plans really cost.

Until now, unnecessary, hidden and camouflaged costs have only been uncovered and cut by people who have been trained to know where to look.

Your IRA, 401(k) plan, or 403(b) plan can and will be improved. I am going to show you how. You may have felt clueless about it in the past, a mystery too difficult to grasp, right? I understand. You are going to realize a new confidence about your retirement plan by following my simple steps.

I will show you a simple-to-understand, easy-to-implement, fast process that you can use to significantly improve your plan. If you will complete each step in the order given, before you know it, your plan of success will be optimized, giving you more money, more time, and less stress.

First, what does it mean to optimize your mix of investments? Well, it means to make investments that will at least match the market's performance. For instance, if your investments under perform the market, you will have less money for retirement than you would have had by investing in no load, low cost, index funds, which are designed to match the market's performance less their cost. Yes, folks, they really are designed to save you time--guaranteed!

In the next article, you will learn where to look for unnecessary costs so that you, too, can cut the fat (unnecessary expenses) from your plan and its investments.

Today, in not more than one minute, you leaned the following:
1. Why you should consider the possibility that your plan costs more than it should.
2. Why you should consider the possibility that your investments are not performing well.

Author's Bio: 

Frank Cirullo is a registered investment adviser and twenty-five year financial veteran who teaches students how to have more money; more time; less stress. Easy! For free tips and lessons, visit his Web sites at http://www.fcmstudents.com/ and http://fcmstudents.com/wordpress/